Ryan and I went in for my first OB appointment this morning at 9am. I could hardly sleep last night anticipating the appointment and chance to see our baby for the first time!! After taking down our medical history, they took 4 vials of blood, my weight and blood pressure. I was very happy that I hadn't gained any weight since my last visit in January when I was there for my annual gyno exam and my blood pressure was perfect.
After all that we went into the ultrasound room and got ready to see baby Harris for the first time! [picture added in post above] It was such an amazing thing to see....as soon as the Nurse Gigi told us what we were actually seeing! She pointed out the little limb buds (the 4 darker white circles on each side of the big white blob) where our baby's arms and legs will soon develop. We even got to see the little heart and watch it beat! I immediately teared up because at that moment it became so real to me. Much to our surprise, we were even able to hear the heart beat for a little while, a feeling that is just indescribable!
Nurse Gigi measured baby Harris and he/she measured up exactly with the date of my last period. According to that method I am currently 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant and the ultrasound took baby H's measurement and calculated that he/she was 7 weeks and 4 days old! We all thought it was pretty neat that baby Harris is growing right to scale!
In addition to baby's age, the ultrasound calculated a due date of October 26, 2008! October is a very busy birthday month for both the Harris and Banks family so we're looking forward to adding another October birthday in there this year!!!