I didn't have much time to write last night after we finally got home, so I just posted the biggest news. In other news, we are SO excited to be having a little boy and the ultrasound was really fun! Surprisingly, the technician knew within 5 seconds that baby was going to be a little boy. He was positioned just perfectly! We've got some cute pictures of baby boy Harris that I'll scan soon and be able to post. Unfortunately, he was quite the active one so many of them are a little blurry.
As for the rest of the anatomy scan, baby checked out wonderfully! Everything was there and growing accordingly. His brain and spine were great, we saw the little heart which was beating at 148 bpm. All organs were accounted for and appearing normal. He measured at exactly 20 weeks, which is 2 days smaller than the actual pregnancy and weighed in close to 12 ounces. Hopefully this means that baby boy Harris will remain an average sized baby and pose no complications that might lead to a ceasarian birth. The technician mentioned that you can most likely predict a baby's size based on the average of the mother and father's birth weights. With me at 6 lbs. and Ryan at 8 lbs., hopefully baby Harris will be born at around 7 lbs.
As for me, the only concern was that my blood pressure was a little higher at this visit than it has been on average. Hopefully this was simply because I was anxious and excited and not a real threat. I go back to see Dr. Keith next Thursday where we'll get another blood pressure reading and talk more in detail about the potential risk of preeclampsia. It was only a tiny jump, so hopefully it was just nerves and nothing more serious.
In other news, baby H has been moving all over the place and remains very very active! I can feel him move around many times throughout the day, especially when I'm sitting still reading or lying down. I've read many times that active babies in the womb are usually healthy babies, so I welcome each and every kick and poke he gives me!
We look forward to posting more soon about our sweet little boy! Daddy is super excited to be having a little guy to play sports with and take to Clemson games and hopefully I can get him to write a quick entry one of these days!! :)