September 29, 2008
Another appointment
Before I left, we briefly talked again about delivery and Dr. Keith said that if I don't go into labor on my own, we will induce or schedule a c-section once I reach 38.5-39 weeks! A general time frame would be somewhere around October 15-21. We went ahead and scheduled 5 more visits, with the last one on Oct 17th and she said that should probably be my final prenatal visit! I've got 2 more ultrasounds scheduled, this Thursday and next Friday, to keep evaluating baby's growth and weight to determine which delivery route we'll need to take. There are no apparent problems at this point which might prevent a vaginal delivery, so it's all going to depend on how much this little guy grows in the next 2-3 weeks!!
September 28, 2008
Lucy turns 1!
September 27, 2008
Like father, like son

September 26, 2008
*Baby Star*

September 25, 2008
Clemson vs. SC State Game

Another Appointment Update
Overall, Dr. Keith was very pleased with this visit and it really eased my mind as well. However, I am still ordered to stay on modified bedrest and will probably remain so until Baby H arrives just in case something I was doing has been causing my problems.
Since Ryan was with me at this visit, we briefly talked about the delivery and what to expect. I asked Dr. Keith at what point would she suggest a c-section and she said that they normally don't suggest that route unless the baby is over 9 lbs. or there are other complications, but with me being so petite she might lower that number in my case. However, she said as long as he's not too big and there are no other problems, she would possibly let me try to have him vaginally and then if things weren't working out we would be prepared for an emergency cesarean.
Of course Ryan has been dying to get a better idea of when baby H will get here and asked some questions about what kind of time frame we should expect. Like she told me last week, Dr. Keith hopes I will go into labor on my own as soon as possible and does think it's a likely scenario. However, should I make it to 39 weeks, we would immediately talk about inducing or a possible c-section depending on baby's predicted weight. The good news is, while they aren't going to move my due date up, she said they will almost certainly deliver me before 40 weeks. I'm just glad to know that at the maximum, I'll get to see his sweet little face in less than 4 weeks!!!
Finally, I have another NST (fetal monitoring) scheduled for Monday at 3pm and another ultrasound next Thursday. I can't wait for Thursday to see how much this little guy has grown!
September 24, 2008
Breastmilk ice cream?!?

Click this link to read about PETA's suggestion that Ben & Jerry's begin using human breast milk to make their ice cream. Would you eat ice cream made from breast milk???
Stuck in an elevator!
Quick clarification on the bedrest...
Several very kind people have gotten worried and have offered to come bring food or help clean my house and keep me company, and while I really do appreciate all the kind suggestions, I'm still pretty self-sufficient. Of course, visitors are always welcome to stop by or call since I've had limited social interaction here lately. :)
Overall, it's not too bad, just makes the days go by a little slower and makes some of my nesting instincts take the back seat for awhile. At least I've been given the go ahead to do a little more on the weekends while Ryan is here with me and I have a feeling I'm really going to be looking forward to these next few weekends!!!!!
Pregnancy perk

September 23, 2008
Jennifer & Ryan, Our journey in pictures
Went on our 1st date: 5/11/04
Fell in love: 8/22/04
Got engaged: 7/3/06
Said "I do": 8/11/07
Found out we were expecting: 2/13/08
Had our baby boy: ??/??/08
The blahs...
Lucy doesn't seem to understand the whole bedrest thing either. I still get up and let her outside a few times a day, but I just haven't been able to play with her the way I usually would. I did sit on the deck and throw the ball in the yard for her this morning to consume some of her energy...but that didn't tire her out for long! I wish everyday I had 1/4 of the energy she has!!
I do have some good news to share and was happy to hear that Jo Ann's surgery went well and was really quick! Ryan finally called me at 11am to tell me that they were on their way back and everything had gone fine. However, she will have to use a walker for the next 6 weeks or so since she had the surgery on her feet but although very annoying, I'm sure it will have been a small price to pay to be up and walking around better than ever once the recovery period is over!
September 22, 2008
Prayer Request
Appointment update & news!!
Since the doctor was a little concerned about me and baby and the onset of the hypertension, she took me to a room where they hooked me to a fetal monitor for about 30 minutes to get a good look at baby's hearbeat and make sure he was stable and doing OK. Baby H had a strong and steady heartbeat at around 148 bpm, but much to our surprise, the fetal monitor, which was also monitoring me, showed that I was actually having several contractions and wasn't realizing it. I had been feeling my belly tighten up a bit, but thought it was just baby H rolling around in there.
Earlier in the visit Dr. Keith measured my belly and I was on the big side, measuring at 37 weeks. With the onset of hypertension and my contractions, Dr. Keith began to get worried that this baby may come a bit earlier than we have anticipated! She immediately scheduled me for an ultrasound so that she could get a better estimate of just how big baby H is and to make sure he isn't getting too big for me to be able to push out should he come sooner than later.
I had my ultrasound at around noon today and baby measured around 36/37 weeks and they estimate his weight to be about 6 pounds! Dr. Keith said he is in the 70% percentile but still not too big to be a concern to me just yet. Whew!! Unfortunately, he is so big and his head is so low that we were unable to get a good picture of him, but I did see his big round belly and little beating heart.
After my ultrasound I had a sit down with my doctor and she explained that not only does it look like baby H will be will bere before my due date, but she hopes that he will be here as soon as possible seeing as how I'm starting to have some complications. She said that should I go into labor anytime after today, they would not try to stop me and let things progress as normal. Right now I've got the OK for a vaginal delivery, but I've got visits scheduled twice a week from here on out to keep a close eye on the little guy and myself. Should he get too big or my condition worsen, we may talk about an early induction or a possible c-section.
Finally, Dr. Keith said that with the onset of the hypertension, she is ordering me to be on modified bedrest from here on out. No shopping, exercise, heavy lifting, laundry, cleaning or moving about too much. She said that I've got the OK to do a little more on the weekends, but only under supervision and just a little bit at a time. Luckily it's only modified bed rest so I don't have to be confined to my bed all day long, I can still move around as necessary but it will be limited.
Well, this was certainly a lot to take in and learn in one visit, but while I'm feeling a bit nervous and anxious with all the new information, I'm starting to get pretty excited that baby H may be here before we know it!!! I think Ryan is a little freaked out however, and I don't blame him. He went from thinking we had a solid month or so before baby arrived to being told that things could happen at anytime and would likely be sooner than later. Luckily, I think my motherly instincts kicked in a little and last week I went ahead and washed all of baby's newborn clothes, blankets, towels, washcloths, sheets and other necessities and set up his corner in our bedroom with the pack 'n play and changing table that Grandma & Grandpa Banks bought him. He's even got a stockpile of diapers and wipes ready and waiting. Now we just need to unpack the carseat that Grandma & Grandpa Banks also gave us and get it installed and ready for the trip home from the hospital!!!
September 16, 2008
Rainy Tuesday...
September 10, 2008
Appointment Update - 9/9
In other news, I've been having a few painful contractions but nothing steady. They're called Braxton-Hicks contractions and are basically just your body's way of preparing for childbirth. I've been having them for several weeks now but they have just recently been coming about every day and have been much more painful than the earlier ones. I've also been having a lot of pressure on my pubic bone which has been causing a lot of discomfort and making it hard to stand and walk around a lot. When I told Dr. Keith this she was a little alarmed that I'm having so much pressure this early and attributes it to my petite size. She said that she is getting a bit worried that I may not be able to vaginally deliver this little guy much to my dismay. Eventhough he is measuring right on schedule, my small size could cause some complications and we'll probably end up having another ultrasound in a few weeks to see just how big he's gotten and access the situation then. Of course I'm still hoping for a vaginal delivery, but will do whatever is best for me and baby Harris. It's much better to have a planned c-section than an emergency one after you've been pushing for 2 hours with no progress and have exhausted yourself to no end. My dear friend Keri knows that feeling all too well!!
Clemson Games
Last weekend was the Clemson vs. Citadel game and our first home game of the season. We got there around 12:30 and tailgated for awhile. Luckily Ryan brought a fan and I parked my tail in a chair with the fan pointed my way and there I sat for the first part of the afternoon!:) The actual game was fun but very very hot! Ryan was so worried about me that he got up about every half hour to get me water and made sure I drank it all. He also got us some Dippin Dots which were delicious and a treat I probably hadn't had in years! The game was good and a lot more fun since we were winning the whole time. We also really enjoyed our new season tickets right on the lower 40 yard line! Here are a few pictures from that game. It was Military Appreciation Day.