Finally, in a desperate move, I made the decision that we were going to go despite the fact we were all feeling a bit under the weather that day. Bad move. The hay ride is what finally put us all at our breaking points. Owen refused to be held down, Austin whined that he wanted off the entire time, and what fun can the parents have when their kids are miserable? After about 30 minutes of whining and complaining and crying....we just had to leave. I managed to get a few pictures, mostly of the backs of heads though because it was just not one of those smiley and cooperative days if you know what I mean.
This picture kind of sums up the mood of the day...
Fast forward two weeks later and once again we make plans to attempt the pumpkin patch. Matching shirts washed and folded, camera battery charged, just had to wait for the boys to wake up from naps and we would be off. Well, not so fast. Owen woke up from his nap in a terrible mood, whining and crying for no reason. Ryan took him outside to walk around a little bit but it wasn't working. He brought him back in and right as he handed him back over to me...throw up...and lots of it. I was devastated. Not only because my baby was sick and we were both standing there covered in vomit, but also because it looked like another pumpkin patch trip ruined. Luckily, daddy swooped in and decided to take Austin while Owen and I recovered at home. Apparently it was like night and day. Austin loved the pumpkin patch this time and even begged to go on the hay ride. He was smiling in every picture taken and had a blast.
So, maybe my dreams of a fun family trip to the pumpkin patch won't be fulfilled this year, but at least both boys got to go individually and have some fun!
Watching the pigs eat a pumpkin!
This is a picture of Austin stomping on multi-colored popcorn. Why did I include it? Because according to Ryan, Austin really wanted a bag of popcorn while they were there and just HAD to have the $3 bag of "Tutti Frutti" popcorn instead of the $1 bag of regular popcorn that Ryan was trying to convince him would be better. Apparently he took one bite and spit it out and decided it was so bad that he needed to physically stomp on every piece to show just how much he disliked it.
Proudly showing off his ticket for the hay ride
My sweet boy even picked a sunflower just for me!! :)