Well, I couldn't stay gone forever and I was starting to get sad that I haven't been keeping up with Owen's monthly posts. So, here it is, Owen at 21 months!
-Can recognize and say every letter of the alphabet and numbers 1-13
-Can count to 10 in Spanish (Thanks, Dora!)
-OBSESSED with monster trucks and would rather watch a Monster Jam event on TV than anything else. He requests to watch Monster Jam every morning when he wakes up and at least several other times throughout the day. Oh, and he knows the name of almost all the trucks!
-Calls himself Owie
-New favorite phrase is "ach dis!" (watch this) and he will stare you down and continue to repeat it until you watch him. Usually this is in reference to launching his cars in the air...
-LOVES to read and will sit in my lap and read books all day if I let him. Some favorites are Dear Zoo, Goodnight Gorilla, Potty For Me, Freight Train, Easy Street and his Pixar Look and Find book.
all the time now. I can't believe I was ever worried!
-Says please and thank you most of the time.
-Asks for a sucker every time I sit him in a shopping cart...or a cookie if we're at the grocery store.
-Really loves animals and blows them kisses when we see them out, on tv or in a book.
-Likes to run around, race and play chase with Austin. He thinks he's just as big as his brother!
-Knows his shapes and colors, but can't ever get red right. We're starting to think he might be color blind like my dad.
-Sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes one 2-3 hour nap each day.
-His favorite thing to do at playgym is go down the slide, walk the balance beam and play with the parachute.
-Has really come out of his shell lately and loves to be around other people. He still has his shy days/moments, but they are becoming few and far between.
-Tells me and Ryan "Lub Eww" (Love You).
-Says "Bess Eww" when someone sneezes.
-Is waaay too busy to eat most days so I have to follow him around with a spoon at mealtime. He's also extraordinarily picky. Lately his staples have included PB&J sandwiches, Nutella sandwiches, greek yogurt, goldfish, chicken nuggets and pizza.
-Still sucks his thumb at night and sleeps with his duck duck. He's a total cuddlebug as well and I love it! :-)
-Weighs about 25lbs. I haven't measured height in awhile, but judging by his peers he seems to be on the shorter side.
-Wears size 18-24mo. and a few 2Ts.
-His favorite toys (besides cars and monster trucks) are his Leap Frog Laptop and VTech Text & Go.
-Randomly sings songs to himself. He loves Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle, Twinkle, Happy and You Know It, Taxi, and the ABC's. Yesterday he starting singing "Moo Moo Cow" in the car