I can barely believe it, but Austin is officially 6 months old today! It's hard to think that half of a year has already passed since the day he was born. The things he has learned and the way he has grown and changed in this past few weeks as well as the past 6 months have been unbelievable! He is seriously learning and doing new things everyday and I can just see those little wheels in his head churning every time I look at him.

Austin has been sitting well for over a month, but now he can sit for much longer periods of time as well as turn and pick up his toys and look all around without losing his balance. If he does lose his balance, however, he can usually push himself back into the sitting position without toppling over. He will also raise up onto all fours when on his belly like he's trying to crawl. I've put toys in front of him to see him try to move towards them, but he always ends up kicking his legs out and scooting backwards for some reason instead of forwards! He loves his toys and his hand-eye coordination has really improved. He will grab anything in his reach and either put it directly into his mouth or bang it against the floor, table or whatever else is around. He really enjoys making noise either by banging or shaking his toys or with his own mouth. He has recently learned to "blow raspberries" and thinks it's hilarious when you do it back to him. Several times he has done it with food in his mouth, causing it to splatter everywhere! He is also saying "ma-ma," but usually only when he's getting tired or frustrated. He may not know that I am "ma-ma," but he sure knows that saying it gets my attention! Ryan caught a cute video of him saying it the other weekend that I'll have to post soon.

In addition, Austin has become quite the wiggle worm! He is no longer my cuddly little boy, in fact, if I want to cuddle him now he pretty much has to be asleep or have a bottle in his mouth! He is SO interested in everything around him and wants to touch and feel and put everything he sees in his mouth. He loves to grab hair, jewelry, noses, lips, clothing, dog hair, cat fur, his spoon, his toys, the phone, the remote, and pretty much anything else within reach, but most recently, his favorite things to grab are his own feet! Every time I go to get him out of his crib he is on his back with his feet in the air and trying to grab them and put them in his mouth. He's quite flexible for a pudgy little fellow and while sitting up can lean all the way forward to his feet and put his toes in his mouth.

At 6 months, Austin is wearing size 12 months clothing and some of those are even fitting a bit snug! He is in a size 3 diaper and wears a size 3 shoe. He is eating four 8 oz. bottles a day every 4 hours and I can usually get one stage 1 baby food in over 2 feedings. He tried squash for the first time today and liked it alright, but bananas are by far his favorite and the only food he will eat a whole serving of at one sitting. Austin is on a great schedule now and wakes up every morning between 7-7:30am, has a nap at 9 and another one at 1:30, a power nap around 6 and then off to bed between 8-9 pm.

Austin is such a sweet, happy, social, good tempered, smart little guy who's ALL boy...just like his daddy! He makes me so proud and I'm delighted to call him my baby boy! I can't wait to see what the next few months have in store!!