May 31, 2009
Take me out to the ballgame...

May 29, 2009
Baby fever!

Now that Austin is approaching the 1 year old mark, I can't help but look back at those videos and pictures of him when he was a newborn and feel a little sad inside. Unlike a lot of people, I really enjoyed the newborn stage. I loved holding him all the time without him wiggling to get away, carrying him around the house without my arms getting so tired, having him fall asleep on me and in turn, falling asleep with him snuggled in my arms. Those moments seem to be the ones I remember most and I really miss them sometimes. Actually, sometimes I miss them so much that I think about having another one, and then I realize I've come down with baby fever!

May 28, 2009
Random nutrition ranting
May 27, 2009
Semi-Wordless Wednesday

May 26, 2009
Back to the crawling...

Weekend Wrap-up!

It's officially Tuesday which means our fabulous long weekend has finally come to an end. As busy as we've been, I can't believe I'm actually still awake, but I wanted to get this post out tonight in case I don't have time to tomorrow. I know the grandparents anxiously check the blog every morning looking for a new post so I want to make sure they've got one!!

On Saturday we traveled to Anderson to visit with friends Aaron and Jeff for a Memorial Day cookout. We were hoping to do a little swimming too, but the weather didn't quite cooperate and the pool was far too cold! We did have some great food, drinks and fun with our good friends who are celebrating their 1 year wedding anniversary this coming week! As you can see here, I was 19 weeks pregnant with baby Austin when they were married!

Sunday was another fun day as we ventured out to Freedom Weekend Aloft in Simpsonville to try and catch a glimpse of the hot air balloons taking flight and to see Sister Hazel/Gavin DeGraw in concert at the outdoor pavilion. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating for take-off and with rain in the forecast, the balloons were all packed up. This is the second year in a row we've gone with hopes of seeing the balloons but have been disappointed due to weather conditions...maybe next year it'll work out! Anyway, we still had fun people watching (and boy were there some sights!) and we enjoyed listening to Sister Hazel but had to get home and get our little nugget in bed before Gavin took the stage.

May 25, 2009
More crawling...even better!
Look how far he's come in only 2 days!! He's speedy on the carpet now and getting pretty good with the hardwoods.
May 24, 2009
May 23, 2009
May 22, 2009

May 19, 2009
Mr. Independent

May 18, 2009
New life!
I had noticed for a few days that everytime I passed this tree in our front yard a mama bird would fly out of it. When we came back from our walk this weekend, I asked Ryan to look for the nest and try and see if there were any eggs in it. He not only saw a couple eggs, but a few newly hatched little birdies chirping away! The nest was low so he was able to get a video of the little birdies in their nest to show me. I just thought it was so awesome and had to post it. I've never seen little birds this young and I can't really tell which end is which, but how sweet is it that a new little birdie family just hatched right outside our door! :)
Worn out!

May 16, 2009
Water baby!

May 15, 2009
7 months old!

-Finally, as you can see, Austin LOVES Lucy (and she doesn't mind him too much). He smiles everytime he sees her and tries to pet her whenever she's close enough for him to get his hands on. He finds the kitties somewhat interesting but Lucy is his favorite by far. I wouldn't be surprised if the two of them became best buds before too long!
May 13, 2009
Oh my, how I LOVE this little guy!

And there he goes...

May 12, 2009
Green Pricklies

May 11, 2009
Simultaneous tortures!