May 1, 2009

Still here!

I thought this was rather funny, but Ryan actually commented the other day that he noticed that I hadn't been updating the blog as much lately. I took a look and realized that he was quite right and that my April blog post count was down about 10 posts from average. Well, no need to worry, we are still here and doing fabulous, and I think I've figured out the reason for the drop in posts.
First of all, I have been sick for the past 2 weeks with some sort of flu/cold/sinus infection type of thing. (NO, it's not swine flu!) I went to the doctor for the first time in several years, with the exception of my OB/GYN visits, which tells you how awful I was feeling, but even she couldn't give me a good answer as to what was going on and just gave me a list of things to buy from the drugstore to feel better. (Yeah, I wasted a $25 co-pay to have a doctor tell me to go buy soup and tylenol at CVS! Maybe this is why I don't go to see doctors...)

Anyway, since I try to do all my blogging during Austin's nap times, and since I've been feeling so awful lately, I usually end up napping right along with him instead of updating everyone about our daily adventures. So, there's one excuse and here's the second:

In the past few weeks Austin has become so much more playful, interactive, animated and is an all-around happy baby boy! His favorite thing to do is sit on the floor and examine/bang/chew/throw his toys around. The jumper just isn't enough anymore and the exersaucer gets boring after he's made his rounds a couple times and the swing...that's just an obstacle to try and wiggle out of! He loves playing with his toys on the floor and moves from one to the next and likes scooting all over the place and finding new things to entertain him. I caught him yesterday with one of my shoes that I took off just a little too close to his play area!

Austin also loves playing peek-a-boo now and it's one of my favorite games to play with him. He lets out the cutest little laughs every time he spots me peering around a corner or peeking from behind a blanket. He seems to have the concept of object permanence down pretty well because he just sits there and looks for me and waits for me to reappear and then squeals with delight!! Tickle time is also fun and he really like it when the "mommy monster" comes to get him!

While I have loved and enjoyed every stage of Austin's life thus far, I think this time right now has been the most fun and is probably my favorite. He's not so such a tiny fragile doll anymore but a little playmate who loves to smile and laugh and play games with mommy and daddy. He's developing a personality and I just love to see it shine! He's also really trying to figure out the best way to move around on the floor and it's so fun to watch him try new things and learn how to move around. I swear I'm going to turn my back one day and he's going to have crawled across the room. Even now when I sit him down, I turn my back for a second and he's in a totally different position and I have no idea how he got there!

So, as you can tell, the blog has become lower on the list of things I like to do everyday because there's just so much other fun stuff going on that I don't want to miss out on! It's still important to me and it's still up and running, but forgive me if I go 3, 4, maybe even 5 days without and new post. Austin and I are just having so much fun that I completely forget about it sometimes!

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