While Ryan's face makes an appearance on the blog fairly often, I really haven't written much about him and the truly amazing father and husband that he is. Since today is his 1st Father's Day, I thought that this would be the perfect time to mention some the things that make him so wonderful. Forgive me if I start to brag a little, but here are the top 10 things that make my husband (and Austin's daddy) the greatest!
10. First off, let me start by saying that Ryan has a job that requires him to work very long hours most of the time and can be quite stressful. He likes his job and he's very good at it, but deep down, being a patent attorney is probably not what he always wanted to be when he grew up. He works hard, however, because he not only wants to be successful in life, but because he wants to support his family and make it possible for me to stay at home. Of course he would have absolutely no problem if I wanted to go back to work, but it makes him very proud to be able to support this family on his own and he will always do whatever it takes to make that happen. That right there is a very special and rare quality nowadays and truly speaks volumes.
9. Speaking of Ryan's job, many nights he stays at the office late finishing up his work and sometimes doesn't make it home until Austin's bedtime. To cope with the fact that some days he doesn't get to spend much time with his son, Ryan rocks Austin to sleep and puts him to bed almost every night. He enjoys that one on one time he gets to spend with his son and it lets me get a bit of a break in the evenings. This has been the usual for a long time now and is probably the reason that Austin can fall asleep on his daddy anytime and anywhere!
8. The first days after Austin was born, when I was hardly able to get up from the hospital bed, Ryan changed every dirty diaper (without being told) even though he had never done it before in his life. To this day, while he may shy away from the major blow-outs, he has no problem changing diapers and always does it perfectly! Since Austin doesn't like to hold still for a second nowadays, many times we make diaper changing a team effort which makes it go by a lot smoother.
7. Austin wakes up around 7 am everyday and during the week I am in charge of getting him up in the mornings as well as anytime he might wake up during the night so that Ryan can be nice and rested for work. However, on the weekends Ryan gets Austin up in the mornings and lets me sleep in. He even turns the monitor down low and puts it by his head so I won't get woken up and closes the bedroom door so that I can't hear the noise from the living room. I've never even asked him to do either of those things but he does them anyway just to be nice!!
6. Ryan has never been one to throw money around and he has always been one to live within his means. I have always had a hole in my pocket, but over time he has really helped me and taught me to be more conservative with our money. We both drive old cars and we don't indulge in the latest fashions or technology, however, Austin has never ever had to do without. When it comes to his son, Ryan is more than willing to splurge on name brands and make sure his baby boy has everything he could possibly want or need. There's no way our child is spoiled, is there!
5. Seeing as how I stay home with Austin, I've gotten him into a routine and have always done things a certain way or in a way that I know that works for us. I, as well as Ryan, both know that he is perfectly capable of figuring things out himself and taking care of our baby on his own, but he has always respected my "baby knowledge" and the way I do things and tries to do them in the same way. It's just so nice to know how attentive he is and respectful of my ways and ideas.
4. Speaking of our routine, sometimes if I've had a long day or I'm really tired or busy, I may deviate from the routine and skip out on Austin's nightly bath or try to avoid a struggle by not putting on his lotion or feed him foods I know he likes instead of making sure he's had a well balanced day. Ryan, however, follows the routine to a T and never skips out on anything no matter what! Just seeing how dedicated he is actually helps me to "suck it up" a lot of times. In a lot of ways, he makes me a better mommy just by being here and being himself!
3. Ryan really is a great dad and loves Austin to no end. He will do anything to make him laugh or smile even if it involves making a complete fool out of himself!! He will make silly sounds and crazy faces and jump up and down just to get a tiny smile and not care one bit about who sees or hears him. Of course I may be hiding in the bushes or walking in the opposite direction, but secretly I love the fact that he can completely let loose with Austin and just have fun and be crazy!
2. Ryan is the definition of an involved dad and will do whatever it takes to be there for his son every step of the way. Even though he doesn't get to spend much time with Austin during the week, he more then makes up for it on the weekends. Wherever we go, he wants to be the one holding his son and walks upright and proud even with spit up on his shirt, a baby on his hip and a diaper bag on his shoulder! He has truly embraced being a dad and loves to show off his little boy. In fact, he's already giddy about the prospects of baby #2 (or is that the process that goes into making baby #2)?!
1. Finally, the #1 reason that makes Ryan a truly amazing husband and father is the simple fact that he loves Austin and myself so much and is never afraid to say it or show us. He honestly gives Austin at least 50 kisses a day and says I Love You to us both more times than I could count. He is a wonderful and loving man who means the world to me and I am so glad that Austin gets to grow up with such a special father who will always be by his side no matter what!
Happy Father's Day, honey, I love you so much!!!