September 28, 2009

Bed head!

For several months now, Austin has been on a schedule of 2 naps a day around 10am and 2pm. Well, over the past couple weeks, these naps have been pushed back and pushed back even further to the point where he's been going down in the morning around 11 and fighting that afternoon nap so hard that sometimes it took me until 4:30 or 5 to get him to finally fall asleep. Such a late nap time, however, can cause for problems with getting to sleep at night and bedtime was getting pushed back to 9pm with him awake and playing in his crib until 10pm some nights!

This just had to stop!! So, this weekend Ryan and I tried something a little new and pushed back the morning nap until 11:30 and then didn't put him down for an afternoon nap at all. It worked like a charm!!! Austin slept for 3 hours Sunday afternoon and then was oh so ready for bed by 7:30 that night! I actually had to wake him up at 8:15 this morning after he slept like a rock all night long.

We continued the single nap schedule today and even though he only slept for 2.5 hours this time, he was ready for bed by 7:30 again and out like a light in no time!

I was so hesitant to give up on the 2 naps a day schedule but it seems to be working great for the little guy so far and I think he is getting more restful sleep than before. I guess this is just another sign that my baby is growing up!!

In other news, Austin's hair is starting to get so long now and those 2.5-3 hour naps give him some serious bed head. Take a look at that head of hair after today's nap...and what we did to try and fix it!

"Mom, we've got to do something about this."

"I don't know if this is going to work?"

"I'll try it on just in case."

"Bye bye bed head!!"

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