December 21, 2009


On Saturday I entered my 21st week of pregnancy and things are going great so far! Baby boy H is quite the active one and I love feeling him move all the time now. His movements are certainly starting to become more forceful and even Ryan felt him move for the first time this weekend! It's really making things a lot more exciting as I'm definitely more aware of this new little blessing growing inside.

Another exciting thing is that I've finally "popped!" Instead of just looking seriously bloated or like I've had too many helpings at the dinner table...I'm actually looking pregnant now. Even Ryan made a comment about it this weekend. I think his exact words were, "Wow, you look huge!!" I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that....I mean really, doesn't my husband just have a way with words!! :)

And for those who have asked, here's a picture of me after the firm Christmas party Friday night. It's not the best, but it'll do for now. I just feel so silly taking "belly pictures" that they'll probably be few and far between...but I learned once Austin was born that I wish I would have taken more, so I'm trying to convince myself to pose for them this time around. I still feel really silly though....


Rachel said...

You look adorable! I loolking at belly shots- they are so fun, but I felt silly posing for them as well. Can't wait to hear what ya'll pick for a name!

Keri said...

You look beautiful! You definitely have that pregnancy glow about you! :)


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