When we weren't busy using our weekend to finish projects around the house and get it good and ready for a new baby, we were busy spoiling our current only child on what might be his last weekend as such.
Friday afternoon we pulled Austin around the neighborhood in his wagon and made a stop at the playground for an impromptu playdate with some of our neighbors and their children. Austin played so hard that he barely made it into his crib with both eyes open.
Saturday was another adventure as Austin "helped" mommy and daddy get the upstairs TV room/playroom ready and 3 out of the 4 other 2nd level rooms cleaned, organized and disinfected. As for the 4th room....it is now a bigger mess than ever, but at least it allowed us to get the other rooms usable and clutter-free! We'll tackle that on another day...
Saturday night was a fun family dinner out at one of Austin's favorite restaurants, Olive Garden. He can't get enough of those breadsticks!!
Sunday morning my sweet, sweet husband let me sleep in until 10am!! I don't know when the next time I'll get to do that is, so I was very happy to take advantage of the offer. That afternoon we headed out to another of Austin's favorites, Monkey Joes! He had a ball, as usual, and we had almost as much fun just watching him enjoy himself. A nice man gave him a balloon which was probably the highlight of the afternoon...that is until he got distracted by a bucket of chalk and chalk board and let his balloon float to the ceiling without even noticing. I told you my boy loved to color!!
We finished our weekend with a stop at Cold Stone Creamery for some strawberry ice cream and window shopping. The weather was perfect and it was a perfect end to our perfect weekend!
Tomorrow is a busy day as I've got what should be my last OB appointment and a very important ultrasound to determine just how big baby H has gotten in these past 38 weeks. Austin also has his 18 month well baby visit! So look out for a few more fun blog posts tomorrow evening. For now I'll leave you with a few cute pictures of Austin this afternoon at Monkey Joe's!
Not so sure about the horsey ride...
Daddy helping him down the first big slide!
This place is a wonderland for kids who like to climb and for moms who are terrified of hard falls...
There's nothing like landing face first on a soft cushion of air!
Austin and a very helpful friend assisting him down the slide that daddy couldn't quite make it through! :-)

Austin and daddy coming down the big, winding slide!
A chair to rest in and a refreshing sippy cup of juice after a hard afternoon of play!!
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