May 17, 2010

2 Weeks!

Owen had a weight check last Friday and I'm happy to report that my new baby boy is doing fantastic!!  In fact, he is already breaking records.  At his first appointment he was 7 lbs. 7 oz. which was a big drop from his birth weight of 8 lbs. 1 oz. one weeks time he jumped up to 8 lbs. 10 ozs.!!!  Needless to say, we were all pretty shocked, including his pediatrician!  I guess I should have expected this considering he seems to want to eat constantly.

In other news, at almost two weeks, this sweet boy is already defying everything I learned about infants from Austin.  I can hardly believe how different my two boys are.

-Owen caught on to the whole breastfeeding thing in no time, unlike Austin who had significant troubles in the beginning.  He's a fantastic nurser, although I could certainly do without the cluster feedings!

-Owen had his first bottle this weekend because mommy desperately needed a break and he took to it like a champ!  We tried out Austin on almost every bottle out there before we found one that agreed with him.  He's doing great at going back and forth between bottle and breast feeding.

-Austin was a paci lovin' little dude from the day he was born, but Owen doesn't care for the paci unless it's getting close to feeding time.  It will calm him for about 10 minutes but then he's ready for the real deal!

-I think we swaddled Austin constantly for his first several months, but Owen can't stand it!  I thought all babies liked to be swaddled, but this little guy likes his space.  That being said, he loves to cuddle and falls asleep almost instantly when curled up in my arms.

-Owen loves his baths!  Obviously we can't submerge him just yet because his cord hasn't fallen off, but I get in the bath and hold him and pour water over him and he loves it!  He hasn't cried a single time...until it's time to get out.

-Austin was great about going at least 2.5-3 hours between each feeding.  We never seem to know when Owen is going to decide he's ready to eat though.  Sometimes he'll go an hour and sometimes 3.  It's a guessing game I'm not particularly fond of.

These past 2 weeks have been a struggle, an adventure, pretty stressful at times, but a lot of fun.  I really can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store!

1 comment:

The Boy's Awesome Aunt said...

Give me your baby...and no one will get hurt!


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