- The other day we were outside and Austin was on the deck playing while I was moving some stuff around in the yard. I looked over and realized that I didn't see him anywhere. I called his name and a moment later he came running down the stairs into the yard. He looked at me and then popped something from his tightly closed fist into his mouth. I immediately freaked out thinking he had grabbed a bug or a rock or some other dangerous choking hazard off the ground and eaten it. I ran to him and pried open his mouth to find....a Hershey Kiss. That crazy little kid had been sneaking in the house when I wasn't looking and getting into the candy jar!!
-Speaking of that same candy jar....I was putting Owen down for the night and left Austin closed up in the living room while I was upstairs. About 10 minutes later I started coming back down the stairs and I heard the pitter patter of little toddler feet running in the hallway. Then I heard the baby gate open and close. As I got downstairs, I saw a trail of Hershey Kiss wrappers leading all the way into the living room where a chocolate covered toddler sat surrounded by blue foil. The candy monster had struck again!! Still don't know how he got that gate open...
-In preparation for Christmas, I've been showing Austin pictures of Santa Claus and telling him all about Christmas. I want to get Austin use to the sight of Santa so we don't have another meltdown experience when we visit him this year. So, this morning I was telling him how Santa is going to bring him presents. He seemed to like that idea so then I asked him what he wanted. Apparently all he wants this year are cars; red and brown ones to be exact. Oh, and he wants Santa to read him books.
-Owen can scoot all over the place now. He really likes to scoot over to the bookcase and get his
hands mouth on all the books. If I had a dollar for every time Austin let out a concerning yell "Owen eating book!" I'd make at least $20/day...
-Austin got a hold of my laptop the other day while I was out of the room. He pried off a bunch of keys and I have no idea how he figured out he could even do that. So, if you see the letter "v" missing from a lot of my words, it's because that key is now gone...along with a Shift key and the Windows key.
-You're probably noticing that several of these stories involve Austin being mischievous while I'm out of the room. I promise I do watch him and don't just let him roam free during the day with no adult supervision. That's the thing about having a 6 month old who naps three times a day though, I've got to leave Austin alone to get Owen down for his naps, and Dora can only babysit for so long...
-And speaking of Dora....Austin can count to 10 in Spanish. No one in my family speaks Spanish and I have never taught my son any Spanish words (because I really don't know any), so I'm assuming he learned this from watching Dora. And they say TV rots your brain....while I'm upstairs getting Owen down for his naps, Austin is downstairs getting a lesson in Spanish from a little cartoon girl on TV (unless he's too busy vandalizing laptops or breaking into candy jars)!
-In the 8 hours or so that I've got the two boys awake together, I've often got to find activities that incorporate them both. Owen is great at sitting up, but on occasion he just gets tired of sitting and falls over. Austin finds this hilarious. So, I pretend to fall over and Austin laughs even harder. Then he pretends to fall over and then I do it again and then him and then me....you get the picture. We were all sitting up and falling over and laughing hysterically. So, a few minutes later, Owen sits back up, Austin immediately walks over to him, says "Owie fall!" and knocks him over. Owen cries, Austin looks at me with a straight face and matter-of-factly says, "Owie crying" like he has no idea he was the cause of it. That was the end of that game.
-I have no idea where this came from, but recently Austin has been saying "Oh my gosh!" Like the other day, he knocked a bunch of his books off the bookshelf and then shouted "oh my gosh!" He also said it after dumping out a big basket of toys. I must be saying it and not realizing it. It's amazing what that little boy can pick up on.
-Austin also said his first curse word this weekend. He was repeating something his daddy said, imagine that!
-I was online looking at some pictures of Disney World today and Austin was sitting beside me watching. He was pointing at the pictures, shouting "Mickey Mouse," and getting all excited. So I said, "Do you want to go to Disney World?" He got up, ran into the bedroom, brought me back his shoes and said "Go!" Whoops...
-I was on the phone with my friend Keri the other day and she asked me what I was doing. I said "Getting the boys ready. We're going to lunch and then to the playground." Austin heard what I said and started going crazy! He started chanting "playground, playground", began pushing me from behind towards the door and started grabbing at the phone and saying "bye bye!" He whined about the playground all the way to lunch and it got so bad in fact that we just got it to go and took it to the playground to eat. I think Austin's at that age now where I'm just going to have to start spelling things...
-Austin's new favorite phrase is "Whoa, lotta cars!" When we drive past a crowded parking lot, or by a car dealership or when he lines up his toy cars on the floor he always says it. It's pretty darn cute.
-Ok, so I just realized that this post is mainly about Austin. When it comes down to it,there is just a lot more going on with a 2 year old than there is with a 6 month old. But, Austin did just turned 25 months old this week, so in honor of that I think I'm just going to rename the post "Austin Lately."
And because posts are so much better when there are pictures...here's a little gem for ya!
You can never outgrow the Exersaucer!