December 21, 2010

Deck the Halls

So, it's 1:30am and I'm up waiting to see the lunar eclipse and folding laundry.  Since I'm up (and I'm the only one up) I figured I'd kill a little more time and post some pictures from our weekend.  We did a lot of Christmas shopping, saw some family, ran errands and went to see this:

That is the house of this couple in Mauldin who go above and beyond when it comes to their Christmas decorating.  I have never seen anything like it before.  The house sits in a random subdivision a few miles from us.  They have movies playing, hand out free hot chocolate and popcorn, let you take pictures with Santa and walk through their front and back yard to see all the lights. It was pretty impressive and the pictures just can't do it justice.  I think they had lights covering about every inch of their property!

The boys really enjoyed the sights and Austin was excited to see Santa there!

"Santa, I want a choo-choo train table."

Both boys with Santa, before Owen realized a strange man was holding him...

...and after...

My three favorite boys.  Man I love them!!

We're getting sooo excited about Christmas around here.  We sing Christmas carols all day long, find the elf on the shelf (who Austin named Christmas) every morning, open our advent calendar, read the Christmas story, talk about baby Jesus, eat a candy cane or two and talk about Santa and his reindeer and sleigh full of presents for good little boys and girls.  It's been all Christmas all the time!

Both my little boys have been fantastic this year and Santa is going to be so very good to them.  I can hardly contain my excitement just thinking about spending Christmas eve and day with my boys and my family.  It's amazing how kids make the holiday season so much more fun!

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