January 4, 2011

8 Months!

My little pumpkin, Owen, is 8 months old today!  I can hardly believe it's been that long and that he'll be 1 in just 4 more months!  Here's what's been happening with Owen this past month:

-Doing really well on the bottle and finally gaining some weight.  He's about 18 lbs. and hovering somewhere around the 35th%ile now

-Wearing size 9-12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper

-Crawling all over the place!!

-Pulling up on anything he can get his hands on and starting to cruise.  This little guy hardly ever holds still anymore!

-Has 6 teeth; 4 on top and 2 on the bottom

-Loves to self-feed Puffs and Yogurt Melts

-Still iffy about baby food, but will usually take about 6-8 oz. a day spread over 2-3 feedings.  He'd much rather spend every mealtime stuffing Puffs and Yogurt Melts into his mouth though...

-Consistently sleeping through the night without waking to eat.  His usual schedule is to go down around 7:30pm and wake up sometime after 7am.

-Taking two naps a day for a total of around 3 hours

-With the introduction of the bottle, he has started to self-wean and will only nurse in the mornings and sometimes before bed.

-Loves to play Peek-a-boo and listen and move to music

-Enjoys banging his toys and making noise

-Had a wonderful 1st Christmas that was also a White Christmas!

-Will occasionally give big, wet, slobbery kisses

-Loves to laugh at his silly big brother

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