February 1, 2011

Monster Jam!

Since Austin was about 18 months old he's had a car, truck, train or anything with wheels really, pretty much permanently attached to both hands.  The first thing he does when he gets up in the morning is open his box of Matchbox cars and he takes at least 2 to bed with him each night.

So, naturally when we heard that Monster Jam was going to be in town we bought tickets for Friday night's show.  I was oddly excited about the show because I had never seen anything like it before and I couldn't wait to see the look on Austin's face when we got there.  Due to the nature of the event, Owen enjoyed a night in with Am-ma.

So, even though we were forewarned, I had no idea just how loud it was really going to be.  Thankfully we had some ear plugs for Austin, but the sound was still enough to render him speechless (a hard task these days) for the first several minutes, but after he warmed up a bit he had a BLAST!  He was pointing and talking about all the trucks, he was telling us what they were doing and his mouth was just moving 100mph.  Unfortunately, because it was so loud, we had no idea what he was saying, but we saw his mouth moving and it was pretty much non-stop.

After we got home, Austin pulled out his toy monster trucks and started crashing them and making them fly in the air and jump over other cars.  He's been doing it ever since Friday night and every time we get in the car he says "Monster truck time!"  Let's just say it made a pretty big impression on this little 2 year old.  We're going to the circus on Wednesday and I'm almost a little worried that when we get back to the Bi-Lo center he's going to be disappointed there are no monster trucks in there!

1 comment:

Keri said...

He is just ALL boy, isn't he? :) Love it!!!


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