I've been having some painful contractions on and off since this morning. My doctor's appointment was at 2pm today and when they hooked me up to the NST monitor it showed that I was having several strong but irregular contractions. I asked Dr. Keith what the chances were that I was actually in labor and she said there was a good possibility, but she was going to send me home for the time being and to report to the hospital later if things picked up. She checked me and I was still dilated between 1-2 cm. and about 50% effaced and we did a quick ultrasound to check the fluid around baby. The fluid was still low but not in the danger zone and she mentioned that sometimes this just happens and there's no real good reason to explain it.
We talked a little more about delivery at the end of the appointment and she actually suggested sheduling an induction for Thursday of this week if I don't progress into labor before then. She feels that it's about time to get baby out while things are good and before he gets too large for me. She is on call this Thursday and would be able to deliver me then so I am to report to the hospital at 5am on the 16th if he doesn't come earlier!!!
I can't believe I get to meet my little guy THIS week and I'm so excited that the time has finally come! I guess Ryan and I better get some good sleep for the next few days because I heard we'll probably never sleep well again!! :)
West Fork Park | Green Township, OH | Cincinnati
6 years ago
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