Over the course of the day I've been losing my mucus plug. I'm hoping this means that I'll go into labor soon, but I've heard it can still take a few days-weeks to lose it completely and for labor to begin. At least it's more evidence that things are progressing!! Sorry if this post is TMI!! :)
Jennifer, Honey when my mucus plug fell out in the potty, in 4hours and 20 minutes I had Scott....barely made it to the hospital...and bam bam thank you mam he was here...maybe you will go fast like I did ...it is one mucus plug, then you will start passing slimmy stuff and it will just about gross you out..dont' panic, if you see a little blood it is ok, but check with your doctor...I saw my mucus plug in the potty, it looked like and it made me think of a chicken guizzered...then the slim started coming and then we left for the hospital, labor pain was every 5 minutes...so just be on the look out now for the slim..you might have to put on a pad if it is alot...GOod luck...the full moon is the 14th...I love ya, Nana
mmmmmm, mucus plug
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