July 20, 2009

Things I can't live without!

I saw this on another blog that I read and thought it would be fun since I have nothing to blog about this Monday morning after one of the most laid back and uneventful weekends we've had in awhile! Besides our lunch visit from Whitney & Travis on their way to go hiking and our ritual Sunday afternoon trip to Costco, I don't think we did one productive thing! Now I couldn't live that way for long, but it was nice for a whole weekend not to worry about any chores, projects or traveling.

So anyway, I'm going to get to my reason for posting, here are some things I just can't live without!

1. Yoga pants & t-shirts - This is my daily wardrobe on days where Austin and I stick around the house and sometimes I don't change even when we go out! I love to be comfortable without looking like I'm wearing my PJs. I call it my athletic casual look (even though I'm about the furthest thing from athletic I could imagine).

2. Rainbow sandals - I love sandals and that is ALL I wear during the summer months. I have a pair of black ones and 3 pair of brown Rainbows that I wear every day. They can be worn with about anything from my t-shirts and yoga pants to my Sunday morning attire. They're so comfortable and easy, I just love 'em!

3. Camera - I have really embraced picture taking ever since Austin was born and I've got several THOUSANDS of pictures sitting here on this computer, mainly of my cute little guy. I keep my point & shoot camera with me at all times and it is a staple in my diaper bag. You never know when a cute moment is going to pop up and I always want to be ready to capture it!

4. Sunglasses - I don't leave the house without them, period!

5. Diaper Bag - I've invested in 3 super cute and very functional diaper bags over the past 9 months and they have now completely taken the place of my small designer handbags. I love diaper bags that don't look like diaper bags but have all the necessary compartments and room for the massive amount of stuff I feel I need to bring every time I leave the house. I especially love my new Amy Kathryn bag!

6. Mommy Necklace - Austin got me a very special necklace for Mother's Day this year and I don't ever leave home without it hanging proudly around my neck. It's a beautiful custom design by Lisa Leonard with Austin's name on one side and his birthdate on the other. (see picture above) Such a sweet and special gift!

7. Clinique products - These are some of the best products out there when it comes to skincare. They are well made with very few irritants and perfumes and they do wonders for my skin. I start out everyday washing my face with their Mild Facial Soap, follow that up with the Repairware Day Cream SPF 15 and instead of a heavy foundation, I love Clinique's Almost Makeup!

8. Diet Dr. Pepper - I try to drink H2O throughout the day as much as possible, but I need my caffeine fix in the mornings and there's nothing better than Diet DP!

9. Amazon.com - If I'm ever in the market to buy anything, I always check it out on Amazon first. Not only are there usually tons of consumer reviews to ponder, but the prices are great, you can usually get free shipping and they have almost EVERYTHING you could possibly want!

10. Chocolate covered cashews - It irritates Ryan to death, but every time I go to the grocery store I buy a can (or two) of the $3.99 Planters chocolate covered cashews (ridiculously overpriced, but SO good). Whenever I need my chocolate fix I grab a few and I'm deliciously satisfied. It's how I get though my weak moments when I want something sweet but am trying to avoid driving down the road to Krispy Kreme!

So there are just a few of my favorite things, what are some of yours???

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