August 28, 2009

Catch up!

Thanks to blogger, I have been having some serious posting issues this week so I thought I'd just do a weekly recap to make up for the lack in posts.

-Ryan got called out of church on Sunday because Austin wouldn't stop crying. Ryan thinks he's finally getting into that attachment disorder phase....I think he just missed his mommy!

-Thanks to my friend, Leigh, I have found the greatest bubble solution of ALL time. Austin and I have been blowing bubbles all week and I think I'm having just as much fun with them as he is! The best thing about them is that they stick and don't pop immediately which makes for some good bubble chasing fun. Go pick some up at Gymboree, you won't be disappointed!

-Austin and I ventured out for an afternoon shopping trip this week which started with lunch at our local McDonald's. This was the first time we'd ever been there for lunch and we were very pleasantly surprised! We split a Chicken McNugget meal and it was a fantastic treat for the both of us.

-Ryan's 28th birthday was yesterday and I surprised him with Braves tickets for the three of us to go see a game next month. We had to postpone the birthday celebration, however, because my dear hubby was at work into the wee hours of the morning and is back at it again today. Hopefully he will be free to relax and celebrate his big day this weekend. He's never been big on birthdays, so I try to keep things low key, but as a lover of all holidays and celebrations, it's very hard to do!

-I think my little boy has gotten bored with me, our house and his toys, but I don't know what else to do to entertain him! It's too hot to play outside (and our backyard is infested with mosquitos and spiders at the moment), shopping carts are just a device to try and wiggle out of, we can't eat out every day, and there just aren't many places to take a crawling baby boy where you can just let him loose. Hopefully we can arrange a few more playdates and we're certainly looking forward to Bouncing Babies starting back next month!

-This week marks the retirement of our good friends the Jumperoo and Exersaucer. They will be greatly missed, but a certain curious almost 1 year old no longer wants to be contained in the brightly colored contraptions for any longer than 5 minutes a day. At least my living room is looking a little less like a playground.

-That new show, The Fresh Beat Band, started on Nick Jr. this week and it's TERRIBLE! I cringe as I watch it but my dear sweet boy stays glued to the TV anytime that stinkin' show comes on. What's worse is that I can't seem to get all their cheesy songs out of my head! Therefore, I've decided to leave the tv tuned to the XM radio stations for the majority of the day.

-Austin is really starting to love his naps and will let me know when he's ready for one, but it is getting increasingly hard to get him to go to sleep at nights now! This week it has taken Ryan, myself or both of us no shorter than 45 minutes to finally get him down for the night. After a struggle for almost 2 hours last night I initiated night #1 of the cry-it-out method. I went up there once and laid him back down in the crib and after about 15 more minutes he was out and slept until 8am without a peep. I'll let you know how night #2 works out!

-And finally, in case you haven't noticed by the drop in quality photos, we sent back my expensive new camera that takes amazing pictures and are shopping for something a little more practical that takes almost as amazing pictures. Seriously, I just couldn't see myself toting a purse, diaper bag, child and camera backpack with 3 huge lenses everywhere I went and we couldn't afford to leave such a nice camera just sitting at home. (Not to mention I had no idea how to use the dern thing!)

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