Yesterday Owen and I went to Keri's baby shower in Columbia. Keri and I have been best friends since middle school and it was so fun going through our second pregnancies together. She's having her baby girl in just over 3 weeks!! The shower was a lot of fun and Keri got some great stuff. That little girl already has a bigger wardrobe than I do! Here are some pictures from the shower:
The "draw a baby on your head" game

Kylie and Owen!

The "how big is Keri's belly" game


Owen thought Keri was super comfy!

Only 3 more weeks to go!!!
AWW! Thank you for getting those. I am so glad you were able to come. I really hope Blair is just as peaceful as Owen. I don't think I'll get that lucky though!
PS - I look so much bigger in those pictures than what I thought I did. The camera adds 10 pounds? It doesn't help that the word I have to type in to post my comment is obesia.
Fun! Can't wait to see that baby girl! Keri, you look FABULOUS!
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