*Note: I started this post yesterday and forgot to publish. Owen was 1 month old on June 4th.
Owen is one month old today and I can't believe how fast these past few weeks have flown by! He's a pretty good baby and we are all blessed that he's here and healthy and growing. Owen is sleeping great and will often make it over 4 hours at least once per night. The other night he went over 5 hours and I ended up having to wake him to eat!!
Owen has gotten in a routine of eating and being awake for about an hour and a half during the day before falling asleep and at night he sleeps longer than any time during the day and usually goes right back to sleep after waking up only to eat. We usually put him down around midnight, he will sleep until about 3:30-4 am, wake up to eat, go back to sleep and sleep until around 7 am. And no, we are NOT giving him formula or using rice cereal, proof that a strictly breastfed baby can sleep fabulously without any other means of interference!
Speaking of breastfeeding, Owen is eating like a champ and growing and gaining weight just like he should. We've had no problems with nursing and it's been an absolute blessing! I've had no pain or discomfort and generally have no need to pump unless we plan on being out and I need to have a bottle ready just in case. He usually nurses for about 15-20 minutes at a time every three hours and at night he almost always falls asleep while nursing. As someone who has exclusively pumped and formula fed, I must admit that nursing is so much easier!! I have no bottles to make, warm up or wash and I always have milk with me no matter where we go!
Owen gets a bath every couple of nights and he really seems to enjoy it. He also likes lying on the floor and playing with mommy and big brother and playing in his playgym. He often gazes at the TV and likes to look at bright lights. His sweet face lights up whenever he sees his mommy's face and he perks up whenever he hears our voices. Owen loves to be held and cuddled and to be carried around in the Moby wrap. He likes car rides and walks in his stroller and to just be moving at all times.
Owen just advanced to his 0-3 month clothes and we've packed all the newborns up to be given away or sold. I was surprised at how emotional I got over this and kept about 4 outfits that I just can't seem to part with. But anyway...Owen is wearing a size 1 diaper now and according to my measurements he weighs about 11 lbs. We go to the pediatrician next week and will get all the official stats then. Owen seems really long to me so I'm anxious to see what his length measurement is.
That's all the Owenisms I can think of right now. I know I'll be writing about month #2 before I know it. These little ones just grow up so fast!
1 comment:
Hard to believe he is already 1 month old! He is adorable!
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