August 31, 2010

Grown Up

It's SO hard to believe that this precious boy will be TWO in about a month...

...or is it?

I found this picture tonight while I was doing a "digital camera dump" and couldn't believe what I saw!  Austin looks so grown up and mature and just look at that look he's giving the camera...  When did my sweet, chubby baby turn into such a handsome little boy?

When I was pregnant, everyone told me to take in every moment because babies grow up so fast.  I didn't believe it until I saw it.  I feel like next week I'll be taking Austin to his first day of elementary school...and then by next month he'll be driving...

I don't know if it's because I'm reliving some of Austin's baby moments through Owen, if it's this big 2nd birthday coming up, or if I'm just overly hormonal right now, but I can't stop myself from thinking about the day when my boys grow up, get married, and move away.  It brings me to tears every time!  On the way to Wal-Mart this morning, I heard that country song come on the radio "Letters From Home."  It's about a guy in the military who receives letters from his loved ones back home, and as I was listening I just started to bawl.  I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the day Austin and Owen will be old enough to make the decision to possibly join the military.  I just don't think I could handle it!!!

I remember when Austin was born I couldn't wait for him to grow up, learn to sit, crawl, walk, talk...I feel like I didn't savor those precious moments when he was still so little and now I can never get them back.  As much as I have loved watching him over the past (almost) 2 years, I'd go back to October 15, 2008 in a second and do it all over again if I could!

Wouldn't it be great if children came with remotes?  I'd use the heck out of those rewind and pause buttons!  Ok, I'd use the fast forward too, probably around 4pm on a Monday afternoon or when we're at Target and Austin's throwing himself on the floor because I'm making him get in the cart....but you know, just in those certain 'rare' occasions.  ;-)


Keri said...

Great post. Absolutely and totally agree!!

Mimi said... really have a great way with words!! You were able to explain every mother's worry and concern with their child's growing up so well. I was in tears reading your post--now do you understand your own mother a little better?? I am reliving my own wonderful experiences as a mother through my grandchildren---I dearly love you all!!


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