August 24, 2010

Zoo Pals

And yep, we braved the 100+ degree heat and humidity and made our first trip to Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia this past Sunday.  Good grief it was hot, and I mean HOT...but it was fun and the boys (especially Austin) seemed to enjoy themselves. As usual, I took TONS of pictures!

Here are Austin and Papa getting a closer look at one of the Gorillas right before feeding time.

I think Gorillas are some of the most beautiful and intriguing animals.  I could have sat and watched them all day!

This is Austin doing his best Gorilla impression.

Owen had the best seat in the house, and probably one of the coolest!

This may very well be our first family shot since Owen was 7 days old.  Please excuse the fact that we are all melting in this photo...

Ryan went up with Owen to check out the giraffe a little closer, but this friendly guy got a little too close for comfort!  This is right after Ryan quickly backed away as to make sure Owen would not become a Giraffe snack.  The zookeeper assured us the big guy was harmless, however.

There was a lot of animal feeding going on Sunday.  First we watched the Gorillas get fed and then we bought a $2 handful of lettuce and fed Mr. Friendly.  Austin fed this giraffe like it was his job!!  He didn't get scared, he didn't hesitate, he was serious about making sure that Giraffe got every shred of lettuce we had.

Apparently zoo animals are all starving or they all just have bottomless pits for stomachs.  As much as these guys get fed, it makes me wonder how they're all still standing with their bellies up off the ground!  These goats were serious about those little brown pellets and once again Austin acted as if it was his daily chore around the farm to feed the goats. 

Our final feeding experience.  I still have no idea if Austin enjoyed any of them, but at least I can tell him when he's older that he fed a Giraffe, Goat and Lorikeet all in the same day!  The Lorikeets freaked me out a little bit and I almost got peed on....twice.

They're pretty cool looking though.

Next up was the carousel ride.  Papa is clearly enjoying this more than Austin.  Either the intense heat was getting to him, he was getting too tired or I just happened to catch him not smiling in every picture I took.  At least Papa made the wise choice to ride the Tiger!

This is Owen doing his gangsta moves courtesy of (future)Uncle Nick.

Austin was revived once we made it to the Penguin exhibit.  Ryan and I got a little sentimental as well since this was the site of our rehearsal dinner and our first trip back as a married couple.
Apparently this hollow tree was more entertaining than the penguins.  Aunt Catherine always knows the best places to play!

Of course my child would find the giant hissing cockroaches to be the coolest things around.  I gagged just taking this picture....

Last but not least was the aquarium.  Austin liked watching the sharks swim by, but was more entertained by the air bubbles in the tank and was trying to pop them all through the glass.  About 5 minutes after this picture was taken Austin went into meltdown mode and so we said goodbye to the zoo!

PS-My title to this post has a double meaning.  Not only did we have lots of fun at the zoo with our friends, but Austin is extremely amused by that new commercial for those Zoo Pals plates.  He sings and dances every time it comes on.  I wonder if buying those plates would help Austin to eat better...or if he'd just throw all his food off the plate to see the cute animal faces...

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