It was Owen's first Halloween, but the poor baby tiger was exhausted after a long day celebrating Papa H's 76th birthday in Columbia so he stayed home with daddy for awhile and helped hand out candy.
Austin and I took off around the neighborhood and that little boy acted as if he had been trick or treating for years! We diligently made our way to each house with its light on, he stood on the porch while I rang the door bell, someone came to the door, he hollered out "twicker tweat," bagged his candy, said "thank you, bye-bye," and off we went! The neighbors must have thought he was extra sweet because he had so much candy he had to drag his bag along behind him. He wouldn't give up his treasure though...just like a pirate!
I distracted Austin with a sucker (his favorite treat) as we made our way back towards the house. Ryan and a fussy little tiger were standing outside and as soon as Austin realized we were home he started to whine thinking we were done. Ryan and I switched off and I took my little tiger inside and got him ready for bed while daddy took his turn trick or treating.
Austin went around the whole neighborhood and when that wasn't enough, went with daddy over to Am Ma's house and then to Papa's house as well before finally making it back home at 9pm!
He looked so proud walking through that door with all his candy and we ended the night with a candy dump on the living room floor! (Brought me back to those good old days when my sister and I would come in from a night of trick or treating and dump our candy on the floor to see who got the most and/or best stuff and then bargain and trade and steal and eat until our parents took the candy away and made us go to bed.)
But, Oh My a two year old, a floor of candy is almost as good at Christmas morning! Austin grabbed candy by the handfuls, rolled in it, jumped up and down screaming and was so excited he didn't know what to do! He started opening about 2 different suckers and then got distracted and started going for something else. He wanted a bite of every little treat Ryan and I snuck from his stash and with every bite gave us a big chocolate grin while licking his lips and saying "yum, yum YUM!" It was the cutest thing, we all had huge smiles plastered across our faces!
So, thanks to an innocent 2 year old, at 28, I have finally discovered the true meaning of Halloween. It's not about the scary ghosts, pumpkins, haunted houses or costumes, it's about celebrating the simple joy that a child gets from that delicious sugary stuff we call candy!! :-)
How cute! Buggy didn't get the hang of saying "trick or treat," but he DID enjoy taking piece after piece of candy and putting it in his pumpkin! I also didn't really like Halloween. It's so fun now that we have kids!
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