April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

This Easter might have been one of the best I've had in a long time.  The boys woke us up early, as usual, and we enjoyed some family time and played with all the goodies the Easter Bunny brought!

We made the 9am service at church and enjoyed a very beautiful and moving sermon.  Afterwards, we came home, let Owen take a quick nap and I baked our Easter cupcakes while Ryan and Austin played.  My mother-in-law came over around lunch time and we went and had a delicious lunch at Bonefish.

After lunch we came back to the house and hung out for awhile before nap time....for all 4 of us!  It.was.wonderful!  I can't remember the last time the entire family was able to take a nap together for more than a few minutes.  So nice, and so needed.

After naps it was time for an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  Ryan hid the eggs, but he seriously underestimated Austin's finding ability.  He found every last one in less than 10 minutes I believe!  Poor Owen didn't even have a chance, but I imagine he'll give Austin a run for his money come next Easter!

After hunting eggs for awhile, we went back out to meet our friends Charley, Stefania, Sofia and new baby Bondurant (due in December)!  Austin and Sofia are always so cute and sweet when they get together.  They're only a week apart in age and it's interesting to see just how similar they really are.  They were copying everything the other one did and giving each other hugs and kisses, but they had the most fun climbing into one for the empty chairs and sitting beside each other and yelling "Cheeeeeese!" for the camera.  Absolutely precious and a perfect end to our wonderful Easter!

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