You know you're getting old when you aren't sure you can stay awake long enough on New Year's Eve to even watch the ball drop! It was a struggle, but we remained vertical until 1:15 this morning and were very proud of ourselves for making it that far! Despite the fatigue, we had a very nice evening, however much more uneventful than New Year's Eves of the past.
Our friend Leigh had her birthday party at Smoke on the Water and so we called Grandma over to watch the little man and we went out and enjoyed a very nice child-free dinner and some delicious food. The party was a Scottish theme, and Aaron made an awesome cake for the occasion with their families tartan as the background and an adorable Loch Ness monster on top! She doesn't realize how talented she is!
Aaron and her husband, Jeff, came back to our place after dinner and we played Ryan's new Wii and toasted the New Year with some sparkling grape juice. Yum! We were all pretty exhausted after watching 2010 arrive and baby Willey was giving her poor mama a hard time and kicking her in the ribs all we called it a night, and 10 minutes later Ryan and I were in bed seconds away from sleep. First, however, I had to go upstairs and give my sweet sleeping boy a New Year's kiss on his little head!
It's so hard to believe that another year has come and gone and even harder to believe that we just wrapped up a decade! What a fun and interesting 10 years it's been...but nothing can beat the past 3, the best years I've had so far, when I became a wife and a mom.
Here's to 10 more fabulous years! Happy New Year everyone!

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