December 30, 2011

Catching Up!

December is always such a fabulously busy month, but this year really takes the cake!  As much as I hate it, I don't have time to write a post for every fun event that has taken place this month.  In fact, I'm finding it hard to find the time to blog at all as of lately (am I'm sure you've noticed), but I promise not to give up as long as a few of you just hang in there with me!  :)

So here goes...our December, the condensed version:

My cute little Clemson elf loved decorating his very own orange Christmas tree!

Only 2 ornaments were harmed in the process...

Setting up the Santa train!

After driving through the lights at the speedway

Am Ma and Austin feeding a goat at Carolina Christmas

Owen's turn!

Guess who wasn't a fan of Santa...

Austin mailing off his and Owen's letters to Santa.  He asked for cars, trucks, crayons, trains and stickers.  Owen asked for everything his big brother wanted.  Mom and Dad told Santa that sharing wasn't one of the boys' strong points and maybe he should just bring two of everything.

If you can't see over it, just look through it! 

Austin trying out one of the Legend cars.

Our attempt at a Christmas card photo.  One hour and over a hundred pictures later, this was about the best we could do.  However, it didn't really matter in the end because I forgot to send out Christmas cards this year anyway! (I told ya its been a crazy month!)

Before the holidays, we met up with friends at Discovery Place Kids.  Austin and Christian had a blast playing together!

How cute are these two firefighters? 

Trying to decide who should be the cashier and who should bag the groceries.

Owen loved doing the grocery shopping!

Austin was shocked to hear me over the speaker when he pulled up to the bank window! 

Austin's Christmas program at preschool.  He really liked those jingle bells!

Showing us their obstacle course.

A well-deserved snack after all that hard work! 

Owen and daddy were there too.  Owen is mad that he doesn't get to go to preschool because it sure does look like fun!

Austin was so excited about making this gingerbread house so as a treat to him, we made it together while Owen was napping one day.

He ended up eating more candy than he actually put on the house, but it was a lot of fun and an excellent way to teach and reinforce patterns.

The finished product!

Update:  Owen still doesn't like Santa.

He got over it as soon as he saw the remote control cars, however!

Making cookies for Santa!

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