DISCLAIMER: Any guys reading may want to skip this post!
Today I am officially 4 weeks pregnant and 2 days late. I read that this is the time when most early pregnancy symptoms start to surface and boy have they ever!! My first indication was that my breasts were extremely sore! This actually started several days ago and has so far been one of the worst symptoms I've encountered. They are so sore that I wear a support bra from the moment I wake up until I lay down in bed. Another thing I've experienced are these odd sensations in my stomach. I talked to Tonya about this over the weekend because I was concered there might be something wrong. She assured me this was common and told me she went through the same thing. The sensations are almost painful, like mini cramps in different spots all over my lower belly. These pelvic twinges can often be caused by implantation or the pressure of a growing uterus. Gas and constipation in early pregnancy are quite normal as well and can cause this kind of discomfort. I do know that severe pain or cramping can be a serious problem, but I'm not concerned just yet. The next symptom I've experienced is not painful, but terribly annoying. I can't even count how many times a day I have to use the bathroom now. It's pretty much every time I get up. If I walk by a bathroom I generally make a pee stop. Unfortunately, this one is something I'll probably have to live with for the next 9 months!! Finally, the most recent symptom I'm experiencing is fatigue. I imagine it's going to get worse in this 1st trimester, but right now I'm at a point where 2 naps a day are almost necessary to make it until bedtime. Some other symptoms I've experienced that haven't been that bad yet are: gas pains, lower back aches, nauseous feeling after eating and a little dizziness.
Today I am officially 4 weeks pregnant and 2 days late. I read that this is the time when most early pregnancy symptoms start to surface and boy have they ever!! My first indication was that my breasts were extremely sore! This actually started several days ago and has so far been one of the worst symptoms I've encountered. They are so sore that I wear a support bra from the moment I wake up until I lay down in bed. Another thing I've experienced are these odd sensations in my stomach. I talked to Tonya about this over the weekend because I was concered there might be something wrong. She assured me this was common and told me she went through the same thing. The sensations are almost painful, like mini cramps in different spots all over my lower belly. These pelvic twinges can often be caused by implantation or the pressure of a growing uterus. Gas and constipation in early pregnancy are quite normal as well and can cause this kind of discomfort. I do know that severe pain or cramping can be a serious problem, but I'm not concerned just yet. The next symptom I've experienced is not painful, but terribly annoying. I can't even count how many times a day I have to use the bathroom now. It's pretty much every time I get up. If I walk by a bathroom I generally make a pee stop. Unfortunately, this one is something I'll probably have to live with for the next 9 months!! Finally, the most recent symptom I'm experiencing is fatigue. I imagine it's going to get worse in this 1st trimester, but right now I'm at a point where 2 naps a day are almost necessary to make it until bedtime. Some other symptoms I've experienced that haven't been that bad yet are: gas pains, lower back aches, nauseous feeling after eating and a little dizziness.
I had no idea that I would start feeling like this so early on in the pregnancy. It's definately going to be no vacation, but will be all worth it in the end!
UPDATE: I had my first pregnancy mood swing last night and unfortunately Ryan was the one to suffer through it! I think he'll learn quickly that he will be walking on egg shells for the next 9 months!
1 comment:
Yeah, the whole fatigue thing never stops. I'm thinking Kylie is going to be in her mid-30's before I sleep through the night. However, it's a lot worse at the beginning of the pregnancy so rack up on those sleep points while you can! :-) I LOVE YOU AND BABY HARRIS!
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