After suspecting I was pregnant for about a week, I finally decided to take a test this morning after Ryan left for work. I figured on the off chance it was positive, it would make a really special Valentine's Day surprise!! Now, for those who know me well, you probably realize that I've kind of thought I was pregnant about every month since Ryan and I got married....but this month we had 2 "accidents" that actually gave me a good reason to take a test. I've still got about 3 days before my period is due, but the tests nowadays say they can detect pregnancy up to 5 days before a missed period. I would have liked to have waited longer, but #1, I'm just plain impatient, and #2, I really wanted to surprise Ryan on Valentine's Day!!
I took the First Response test this morning at around 9:30 a.m. and after about 30 seconds saw only 1 dark pink line. I hadn't built myself up too much into believing I was actually pregnant this month, but I was still a little discouraged. Well, I left the test on the counter and went to get something from the kitchen when something told me to go back and look at the test one more time. Walking up to it again, that 1 dark pink line was prominent and I kind of sighed and thought to myself how silly it was to think that some "greater power" was telling me to look one more time....but when I got closer to the test I noticed something else, a faint pink line in addition to the darker one! About 3 minutes had elapsed since I originally took the test, which is the actual time you're supposed to wait before reading the results, so I figured it couldn't be an evaporation line. I read the instructions again and sure enough it states "One line may be lighter." Still in disbelief, I ran to my computer and started googling away! I found a consensus among articles that read if there is any hint of a second line, the test is in fact positive! STILL in shock, I decided to quickly take another test, a digital one that I had been saving for just such an occasion. Of course I did this out of sheer excitment and it wasn't until I tried the test out that I realized that I really didn't have to pee and the test didn't work.
I knew that when i got pregnant I wanted to document everything and be able to share many of the details with friends and family, so I started this blog today, the day I got my first positive pregnancy test. Of course, there's still a possibility of early miscarriage so I'm holding off releasing the news until I know more and can go out and buy another digital test that's much easier to read. I plan on taking another one tomorrow morning around the same time and hopefully breaking the great news to Ryan on Valentine's night!
I took the First Response test this morning at around 9:30 a.m. and after about 30 seconds saw only 1 dark pink line. I hadn't built myself up too much into believing I was actually pregnant this month, but I was still a little discouraged. Well, I left the test on the counter and went to get something from the kitchen when something told me to go back and look at the test one more time. Walking up to it again, that 1 dark pink line was prominent and I kind of sighed and thought to myself how silly it was to think that some "greater power" was telling me to look one more time....but when I got closer to the test I noticed something else, a faint pink line in addition to the darker one! About 3 minutes had elapsed since I originally took the test, which is the actual time you're supposed to wait before reading the results, so I figured it couldn't be an evaporation line. I read the instructions again and sure enough it states "One line may be lighter." Still in disbelief, I ran to my computer and started googling away! I found a consensus among articles that read if there is any hint of a second line, the test is in fact positive! STILL in shock, I decided to quickly take another test, a digital one that I had been saving for just such an occasion. Of course I did this out of sheer excitment and it wasn't until I tried the test out that I realized that I really didn't have to pee and the test didn't work.
I knew that when i got pregnant I wanted to document everything and be able to share many of the details with friends and family, so I started this blog today, the day I got my first positive pregnancy test. Of course, there's still a possibility of early miscarriage so I'm holding off releasing the news until I know more and can go out and buy another digital test that's much easier to read. I plan on taking another one tomorrow morning around the same time and hopefully breaking the great news to Ryan on Valentine's night!
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