December 22, 2010

Christmas Baking!

Can you tell which ones Austin worked on?

This holiday snack is great for making with kids.  Austin not only loved the taste testing, but he was a good helper too!  He was great at laying out the pretzels and loved pushing the M&M's into the gooey chocolate.  We made up a little song and sang it while we baked.  Lucy was at our feet the entire time waiting for anything that fell on the floor, which was a lot considering my baking partner.

And the best part?  Eating all of the ones that didn't come out "perfect."  Thanks to Austin for many of those.  :)  No matter what they looked like, though, they were still delicious!!

Holiday Pretzel Treats

  • Heat the oven to 170F. Set a number of bite-size, waffle-shaped pretzels (one for each treat) in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, then top each pretzel with an unwrapped Hershey's Kiss or Hershey's Hug.
  • Bake for 4 to 6 minutes (the white chocolate will melt more quickly), until the chocolates feel soft when touched with a wooden spoon. Remove the cookie sheet from the oven and quickly press an M&M's candy into the center of each Kiss.
  • Allow the treats to cool for a few minutes, then place them in the refrigerator to set, about 10 minutes. Place handfuls of the candies in clear plastic bags and tie on colorful ribbons.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We make these with Rolos! Yummy!


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