January 31, 2009

Solid foods, here I come!

Lately, Austin has been screaming and crying every time he finishes his bottle. I've been increasing the ounces he takes per feeding but his stomach can only hold so much at a time before he will spit up or vomit. Since he is approaching 4 months and the Dr. said we could start solids at 4 months, I went ahead and tried out some rice cereal to see if this solved our little problem.

After a bottle, I set him in his high chair and mixed a little bit of his rice cereal with some breast milk to make it extra soupy. I got a little spoonful and air planed it into his mouth and he gave me a very confused look and most of came dribbling back down his chin. He's still got that baby reflex where he pushes stuff out of his mouth with his tongue so it was a challenge keeping some of it in.
I think I managed to get in a teaspoon or two and he seemed to tolerate it but wasn't overly thrilled. I think I'll wait until our next doctor's visit in 2 weeks before I try again to see if he thinks Austin really is ready for solids. Since our little boy is 16 lbs. now it just seems that breast milk isn't filling him up as well as it used to. I can't wait to start solids full time because it's one more thing I can enjoy doing with him during the day!

1 comment:

Alicia W. said...

Sooo cute! Love that highchair.


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