November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving this year in Columbia with the Banks side of the family and a couple of friends.  The food was terrific as always but Austin and Owen just had to take our word for it.  Obviously Owen is a bit too young for turkey, but Austin was just being plain picky.  He declined all the delicious homemade food and opted for the turkey Lunchable I packed as a 'just in case.'  He did, however, enjoy the cookies Aunt Ca Ca made and the cake from Aunt Geri.  Everyone else really enjoyed feeding him said sweets because they are all suckers for an adorable 2 year old.  Several people even caught him in the kitchen sticking his fingers in the cake and scooping icing into his mouth.  I let it slide since it was a holiday and pretty much just refused to feed him anything with sugar in it for the rest of the weekend to give his body time to adjust.  That boy has a serious sweet tooth!

We spent the rest of the day talking, telling stories, looking through Black Friday ads and keeping the boys entertained.  I was really bad about taking pictures this year, but I did get a couple of Owen on his first Thanksgiving.  Also, Owen, who can't usually stay awake for longer than 2 hours at a time, did not nap the entire afternoon.  He amazes me with how content and happy he can be in public, even when he's to the point of utter exhaustion.  Austin is a different story completely and lets everyone know when he's tired!! Both boys were sound asleep by the time we hit the interstate on the way home.  It was a good day, the pictures don't do it justice.

Austin loved being pulled around by Papa in our old wagon

Owen showing off his standing skills 

The only somewhat decent picture of me and my baby boy on his first Thanksgiving

Austin loves Mimi and Papa's house because he gets to play with his bat indoors

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