Not only did our Tiger football team have an AWESOME win today against the Pack from NC State...but let's talk for a minute about our Clemson's basketball team! I am so proud of and happy for our basketball program and I look forward to receiving those season tickets in the mail almost as much as our football ones. What a long way they've come in the last few years and I've really enjoyed watching them grow and win over these past few seasons. I am definitely a member of the OPP (Oliver Purnell's Posse)!!
Friday night was the season opener against PC and we were so excited to take Austin back with us to Littlejohn to watch our Tiger basketball team for the first time since he was only 4 months old. Austin was such a trooper even though he was up quite a bit past his bedtime, he loved watching all the action and had a fun night. He even boogied along with the pep band and clapped when the Tigers made a basket. I think we've got a little sports fan on our hands!!!

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