November 4, 2009

Some Updates

I know I've been a bad blogger this week but it's been beyond my control. My laptop AND my backup laptop have both decided to call it quits...within hours of each other no less! I guess you know what I'll be asking for this Christmas!! In order to use a computer at all I have to wait for Ryan to come home with his work laptop and so this is my computer time for the week and I'm choosing to blog since it's been an exciting few weeks around here!

First of all, I'm starting to feel the baby move a little and I forgot what an amazing feeling it truly is. Since it's still so early, I can't feel it all the time, but usually after a glass of cold water and some relaxing on the couch, the little one makes him or herself known. I go back to the OB on the 15th at which time we'll schedule my anatomy ultrasound and we'll finally have a date to look forward to on the calendar so we can find out the gender of our sweet new little one!!

But moving on, lets talk about the first sweet baby in my life and how he's all of a sudden decided that he wants to talk!! I thought that he was going to be a late talker since by his 1st birthday he wasn't saying anything consistently but mama and dada...but these past few weeks have been amazing and he says and does something new almost every day!! I'm truly loving it!

Just in the past few weeks he's started saying ball, book, night-night, bye-bye, here go, and as of Tuesday, he's saying Lucy (our dog's name)! He tries to mimic a lot of the words we say now, but those are the only ones we can distinguish. He knows a lot more words than he can (or will) say and he can point things out in his books if I say their name. He loves to point to the banana, Elmo, apple, bubble, baby, Big Bird and Abby Cadabby whenever I say their names and he will also point to many other things and loves to just listen to me repeat what they are. I can just see those wheels churning in that little head of his. He'll be reading his books to me in no time!!

He's also caught on to several phrases recently, too. Whenever I say "let's go eat," he walks over to me and holds his arms out waiting for me to pick him up and put him in his booster chair. When I say "let's go night-night" he also holds his arms out and waits for me to pick him up so we can head upstairs. Every morning I tell him "let's go wake up dada" and he always gets a huge smile on his face and starts heading for the bedroom repeating "dada, dada" the whole way. He will go get a book or his ball when I ask him to and he will chase Lucy around the room when I ask him to go get her. Ryan and I also play a game where we "go get" Austin and whenever we say "I'm going to get him!" he starts running from us. It's so, so cute!! One of my favorites (thanks to Pat the Bunny) is that whenever I ask Austin to "smell the flowers" he wrinkles his little nose and starts sniffing. I love it! And whenever I say "Is there a baby on my back?" he climbs on my back for a piggy back ride!

I am honestly amazed at how fast he's learning! I look at him sometimes and I really can't believe how much he's grown and what a sweet and smart little boy he's becoming. Most of all, I can't believe he's mine!!! I feel truly blessed to be the mother of such an awesome little guy!!

And for those of you who don't even look at my posts unless there are pictures attached (yes, I know who you are!), here are a few snapshots of my little nugey from the other night (he was particularly attached to his rainbow slinky that night....), in his dinosaur costume, sitting in his booster like a big boy and enjoying some Cold Stone ice cream!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture ofAustin in the chair looks just like Ryan during exams:) Hope yall are well.
- Ann Marie


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