May 3, 2010

Final Countdown!!

Hey friends!
I just wanted to update you on some Baby H news since I know many of you have been waiting patiently to hear about his arrival.  We actually went to the doctor this morning and there's still no change and no sign that this little guy is preparing to come, so we have planned an induction for tomorrow morning.  I'll be 40.5 weeks.  

We have to call at 5am to make sure the hospital has room for us and if everything's a go we should be having our baby boy sometime by tomorrow afternoon or evening.  We can't wait to send out pictures and updates as soon as he's here and Austin is thrilled about being a big brother!!

Also, baby H measured to be close to 9 lbs. at his ultrasound today, so please pray for a quick and safe delivery for us all!  We hope to have a normal delivery but have not ruled out c-section if things don't progress as planned.

Hope to be updating you all very soon with the news!!

Jennifer, Ryan & Austin

UPDATE:  I sent this e-mail to some friends and family this morning but held off alerting the public in case we were turned away from the hospital due to over capacity...however, we just got a call saying that we are all clear and a room will be waiting for us in the morning!!  We can't wait to share the news so check back tomorrow to hopefully see our newest baby boy!!


Rachel said...

Yay! I am excited! I know what it's like to go waay overdue... Wyatt was 11 days late! I can't wait to hear the news!

Amanda said...

Cant wait to see him!!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see pics of your new little boy!! Congrats!


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