June 5, 2010


I was a little concerned when, after a few days, we didn't have a nickname for Owen yet.  I so desperately wanted him to have one like his big brother, but you just can't push something like that.

For awhile, Austin would just point to Owen when we said his name or asked him to say his name, but he finally started saying Owen...or as it came out, Owie (Oh-whee).

After hearing Austin call his little brother Owie for a few days, we started saying it too and now it's just stuck!  Thus was born Owen's nickname, my little Owie (or as Ryan sometimes calls him, Owie-O)!!

And just for fun, here are some random pictures of my boys playing in the playgym.  Austin is determined to show his little brother just how everything works.  Also, I swear Austin owns clothes, plenty of them in fact, I just can't get him to keep them on for very long when we're in the house.  Since it happens to be so warm out these days I just pretty much let him go in a diaper if that's what he prefers...

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