June 1, 2010

Rainy Holiday

Well, our Memorial Day didn't go quite as planned due to the horrible weather, but we had fun nonetheless.  Ben, Tonya and Tyler came over and we grilled out and talked and let the boys run around and have fun!  Austin and Tyler are 6 months apart and Tyler is going to be a big brother, too, at the end of this month.  We can't wait to meet little miss Bailey Beth!!

The boys had a great time playing together.  They battled with Austin's golf clubs, chased each other around the house, stacked and knocked over towers of blocks and pushed each other around on Austin's toy train.  We really enjoyed just sitting back and watching the boys play together and chatting and catching up with our good friends.  We were sad that Freedom Weekend Aloft got rained out, but it ended up being a great day to spend indoors!

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