May 31, 2011

Pool Party!

On Sunday we went to Columbia for a Memorial Day cookout and pool party at my parent's house.  My two water babies stayed in the pool from the time we got there until we forced them out hours later because we had to leave.  They were both going on no naps and were still perfectly content as long as they were in that water.

Owen cruised around in his float a good bit and Austin once again proved himself fearless by continuously jumping off the diving board.  Head under water, water up his nose...he didn't care, he loved it!  I'm so excited about his swim classes coming up in June.  I really think he's going to have a blast!

Owen relaxing in his car while Mimi gives him some juice

Austin loved paddling around in his float

Loving the cool water on a 90 degree day!

beep!  beep!

Practicing putting his face in the water

No fear

Look at that height!

Owen was even cool with the pink princess float

I guess he wanted to be link papa!!

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