Here's how our afternoon at the Children's Museum went:
Austin picked some carrots on Grandma Betty's farm...
...and proceeded to carry them around with him for a good 10 minutes...even while going down the slide...again...and again...and again etc. etc.
He found a hungry pig and decided to feed him some corn...
...and helped the chickens lay some eggs.
He went back to the garden and picked some pretty flowers just for mommy...
and then played with the giant lite-brite!
He crawled through lighted tunnels...
...and helped daddy play music like the Blue Man group.
He donned a lovely blue smock and played in the water at the lily pond, but got soaking wet anyway...
and then left his mark in the classroom down the hall.
He put balls into tubes of air and sent them flying all around...
...and then decided to do some grocery shopping at the local Bi-Lo.
He gazed longingly into the bread display as it was getting close to dinner time...
...and on the way out, he picked up some syrup to go with his wheat thins! Yum!

What a fun day! Austin was seriously shopping for some groceries! Looke at that determination on his face :). How did the glucose test go?
Looks like Austin had lots of fun! I agree with Kathy, he is quite the serious shopper ;-). Loved all the pics! Yes, what were the results of your glucose test, and how big did baby H measure in your u/s?
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