Since Austin was born we've played around with the idea of cloth diapering. It's a big commitment, especially financially, and that's what always seemed to hold us back. Of course it saves you money in the long run, but the upfront investment can be a bit scary. However, last week I spotted an amazing deal and couldn't pass it up! I was able to purchase 6 gdiapers, cloth inserts and biodegradable plastic-free flushable inserts for less than $100! We are officially on a cloth diapering trial run and I'm pretty excited about it!
Now, I can't promise that we will become full-time cloth fact, I'm pretty sure we will always keep the Huggies on hand for nighttime use and for when we're out. We also don't plan on cloth diapering the new baby at first since you go through so many more diapers with a newborn. However, the plan is to cloth diaper Austin as much as possible during the day and start with baby brother once he turns about 4 months.
So far we have made it through the weekend and are getting adjusted to the new diapering style. It's different and a little tough to get the hang of at first...especially with those dirty ones!! I don't think we plan on purchasing anymore of the "flushable" refills as they don't exactly flush in our toilets very well. Since they are biodegradable, I don't feel bad throwing them in the garbage, but I honestly don't think they are any easier to use than the actual cloth inserts. They would certainly be more convenient when traveling or when we're outside the house...but I plan on keeping the diaper bag stocked with disposables for those purposes anyway.
I'll definitely keep you posted on our cloth diapering progress and certainly welcome any advice, questions or comments on the whole process. I really hope that we can stick to it and that it doesn't become too much once the new babe arrives.
I do know one thing for certain though, they sure are a heck of a lot cuter than those saggy disposables...especially on a baby boy who loves nothing more than to run around in as little clothing as possible!!

I found your blog through a friend of mine's and thought I would leave my first comment. My sister has used cloth diapers and even cloth wipes from the very beginning with her daughter. My niece is her only child and when she threw out that idea while she was pregnant, I thought she was crazy! Now I fully understand why she decided on that route and cant imagine doing anything different myself! She used Kissaluvs when my niece was very tiny. Now she is using BumGenius (which Target has actually started carrying)and will continue to use until my niece is potty trained. It has been amazing... at 15 months old, my niece never had a "blow out" (even as a tiny baby when those are so common) and has never had a diaper rash. I feel certain both of those are because of the cloth diapers.
Best Wishes and Good Luck with cloth diapers!!!!
I agree with Anonymous...same thing here! BTW, Katherine Umstetter adn Kennerly Jordan (Will Jordan's wife) have started using them too immediately. They both saw the incredible difference and love it. Both Kennerly and I use cloth wipes too! I cannot recall when it was the last time I bought diapers and wipes...seriously cannot recall! We all use bumgenius since the third week of our children's life, but like I said on facebook I have been using them disposable Gdiapers as "disposables". Love 'em too!
Wow, those cloth diapers are cute. You are very brave, I have always been scared of the whole cloth diaper thing! Keep me posted!
This is Anonymous again... "Daddy" Its funny you mention Will and Kennerly. My sister went to law school with Will and is good friends with both of them! Small world....
This is Anonymous again... "Daddy" Its funny you mention Will and Kennerly. My sister went to law school with Will and is good friends with both of them! Small world....
Good luck! I may try that now, too... I was wondering if it would help with potty training - do you know?
Anonymous-If your sister went to law school with Will then she also went to law school with my husband and "daddy" (aka Stefania) as well as her husband, Charley, too! It IS a small world! :)
Anonymous here again...I didnt realize that Daddy was Stefania and Charley. You probably know Kevin and Heather too then. Yes... She went to law school with all of them. My sister is Kristen Horne and you may have met my brother-in-law Chad. I am Kristen's younger sister Laura. I found your blog through Beth and Andrew Dennis....I went to undergrad with Beth at Clemson, but Andrew was also in Law school with all of them which must be how you know them. Small world!!
Good Luck with the cloth diapers! I have been amazed at how well they have gone with my Sister and Sarah Boyd!!
Ok this is really crazy! Ha! Yes this is Stefania and I went to law school with my beloved Kristen, Kevin Couch, Ryan Harris and Andrew Dennis!!! Too funny! Wow, it is a small world...
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