(FYI - Don't forget to enter the Fun Frames giveaway, it's ending soon!!!)
So anyway, back to our weekend...Ryan and the guys went skiing 3 times while Tonya and I stayed at the cabin and watched the kiddos. Once the boys warmed up to one another they had a pretty good time together. Tyler is 6 months older and Austin seemed to recognize that he was the "baby" at first and pretty much let Tyler do whatever....but by Saturday morning he was ready to let his true colors show and that little temper of his came out whenever he felt necessary!! The cutest part of their interaction was their play fighting and when they would mimic each other. Tyler has a great vocabulary for his age but would mimic Austin's babbles and noises and they both thought it was hilarious. By Sunday it was like they had been together since birth and even exchanged a few hugs and kisses and developed a new game of "pillow fort" while the adults watched the Clemson basketball game on tv.
One afternoon we ventured out into the snow for a while and let the boys play around. They were in heaven!! Austin would hardly let me hold him for a picture because he just wanted to get down and play and explore that crunchy white stuff. In fact, getting a good picture of him was almost impossible as he wouldn't hold still for a moment! He was a babe on a mission and trucked up and down in the snow until we had to force him against his will to come inside and warm up!
Most of my pictures are from our time in the snow as Austin kept me on my toes the entire weekend and picture taking just wasn't a priority. But while the comforts of home (and security of outlet covers and baby gates) were sorely missed...we had a great time and just hope we can continue our ski trip tradition into 2011! Next year we'll have the addition of 2 more little ones, though, since Tyler is getting a new baby brother or sister just about 8 weeks after Austin! Can we do it with a couple boys in their terrible twos as well as a pair of new babes? I guess we'll just have to wait and see!!!

Testing his limits...how far can I got up the stairs before mama stops me??
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