September 30, 2010

Movin' On Up

Do you see that giant skyscraper in the background, towering above all the others??  As of Monday, Ryan will start his new job working on one of its 60 floors.  As I'm sure you can probably tell, that's not the Greenville skyline, Ryan's new job is in Charlotte, NC and by the end of the year that's where we will call home.

We are all very excited about this new opportunity but very sad to leave friends and family, the house we've lived in for 3 years and the state we've lived in all our lives.  Charlotte has a lot of potential though, and it helps that SC is only a short drive down I-77...

The biggest adjustment will certainly be the move, but having to see Ryan leave us every morning and go to work is going to be tough as well.  For those of you who don't know, he left his previous job earlier this summer and has been doing contract work from home for the past 3 months.  We have absolutely loved having him home with us and don't know what we're going to do when he's gone to NC all week!!  Austin has become a total daddy's boy and I'm actually worried he's going to be depressed when, for the next few months, only gets to see his daddy on the weekends.  I'm also pretty scared of becoming a single mama during the week.  Ryan helps me do so many things with the boys that it's going to be a rough adjustment I'm sure.

So, pray for us and for a smooth move...we'll need it, and if anyone is looking for a house in Greenville, just let me know!  :-)


Rachel said...

Good Luck with everything! I know it will be hard without having help throughout the week, but I will be praying your house sells SOON so you can be reunited again :)

Kathy said...

Good Luck!!!!


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