May 29, 2009

Baby fever!

Now that Austin is approaching the 1 year old mark, I can't help but look back at those videos and pictures of him when he was a newborn and feel a little sad inside.  Unlike a lot of people, I really enjoyed the newborn stage.  I loved holding him all the time without him wiggling to get away, carrying him around the house without my arms getting so tired, having him fall asleep on me and in turn, falling asleep with him snuggled in my arms.  Those moments seem to be the ones I remember most and I really miss them sometimes.  Actually, sometimes I miss them so much that I think about having another one, and then I realize I've come down with baby fever!

I have only contracted baby fever just recently and it has a lot to do with the fact that Austin is growing up so fast and becoming so independent and it also has to do with the fact that so many people around me seem to be having babies or getting pregnant.  Now let me just state that under no circumstances will we attempt to cure my baby fever anytime soon, but I just wanted to bring up the fact that it is indeed present.  After all, when Austin was born we agreed not to try for another one until #1, he was at least a year old, and #2, I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight (and I have a feeling #1 will happen sooner than #2).

Anyway, when the baby fever is hitting hard there has always been one thing I can do to help it "break" and I just wanted to share that with the rest of you out there with this same problem.  Ryan and I have discussed that we only want to have 2 children, 3 at the most, but most likely only 2.  If we have another baby now, not only will it be completely different than the first time around considering we will have a 1+ year old in the house as well, but it might possibly be the last time I ever get to be pregnant and have a baby...which means the last time I'll ever get to go through the newborn stage!  Thinking about that seems to cure me every time and in some cases makes me want to wait even longer than originally planned.  

All that being said, Austin is my #1 baby right now and honestly, if I could, I'd rather just rewind to the day he was born and live it all over again to cure the baby fever rather than have another one.  It's hard to imagine loving another child as much as I love him, although I know it is possible.  

Well, as I expected, my baby fever just broke and now I'm off to go give my little man tons of hugs and kisses and enjoy every moment of it, even if he is trying to wiggle away the whole time!

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