May 2, 2009


So, I absolutely love going to get Austin when he wakes up from his naps. We often play for several minutes before I even get him out of his crib. Recently we have been playing peek-a-boo and I have been sitting him up, then ducking beside the crib and jumping up and saying "Peek-a-boo!" He used to just sit there and wait for me to pop up, but recently he has begun to look for me (what a smart boy I have)! He was in a particularly good and playful mood this morning so I ran to get the camera. He's even learned to pull the crib bumper back to try and find me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last picture looks more like Ryan than ever!! I thought he was beginning to look some like you but with this latest pic, he looks more like his Daddy than ever!!


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