May 28, 2009

Random nutrition ranting

Lately I have been obsessing over the nutrition that my little man is getting.  I know that for the time being, his formula provides most of the nutrition he needs, but there are still things like iron and protein that I know he needs and constantly worry he's not getting enough of.  And on top of that, now I've got to worry about DHA, BPA and a bunch of other 3 letter acronyms that I don't totally understand.  I've gotten guidance from a feeding chart the pediatrician gave me and I've compared it with countless other similar guides to make sure I have all the knowledge, but I am still totally confused!!

Austin isn't really picky, he loves all fruits so far, but only eats three veggies and will only take cereal when it's mixed with something else.  Now I don't blame him there, that cereal reminds me of paper mache and even Ryan (who will eat ANYTHING) isn't a fan, but the guides say he NEEDS it and lots of it!  I just can't figure out how to balance everything into 3 feedings a day where he gets all the proper nutrition and isn't spitting out or puking up everything I have to shove in his mouth!

Oh, and don't get me started on what in the world I'm going to do after he quits formula!  I mean, I seriously get by on a pack of crackers for lunch and a sandwich for dinner sometimes and then suddenly I've got to worry about preparing 3 nutritionally balanced meals a day!  I guess I've got proof that one can live off of bologna, cheese slices and chicken fingers alone, after all, I watched my little sister do it.  To this day, however, she is about one of the pickiest eaters I know and my dear husband has NO patience for picky eaters!!  (Sorry to pick on you Catherine, I know you're trying hard and doing much better now!)

So, there you go, just another one of those random things I worry about on a daily basis, something I never imagined worrying about when thinking about raising a kid, but now terrifies me almost every day!  It's a constant worry being totally in charge of what goes inside the body of a child.  And here I thought it was hard keeping track of the things I should and shouldn't eat while I was pregnant!!


Kristen said...

Worry seems to go with the Mommy territory, doesn't it? Take one day at a time-he's beautiful! You must be doing a good job!

Kathy said...

I'm totally there with you on the "3 prepared meals a day" thing... WOAH! I try to have finger foods for him at each meal (for example: cheerios w/ breakfast; banana - if he'll eat it - w/ lunch; and cheese w/ dinner)... it makes me feel like I can work into the complete meals each day. Slowly but surely. I mean, surely frozen pizza for dinner isn't acceptable for a less-than-one-year-old?! :)


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