October 24, 2009

Austin's 1st Year in Pictures!

I've been wanting to do a post like this for a little while now and tonight Ryan told me he wanted me to do it as well. I would have done it earlier but my usual laptop with all of Austin's pictures on it is out of commission at the moment and I'm not sure when it will be back up and running. I remembered tonight, however, that most of my favorite pictures were on the blog and Shutterfly...so I got to downloading!

And here it is, Austin's 1st year in pictures. Can you believe how much he has changed and grown!?! Especially from months 4 though 7! And at 10 months my baby finally got some hair!! I'm just so amazed as I look through all of these!

0 Months
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
12 Months!

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