February 23, 2010

Shy Guy

This afternoon we had our 3D/4D ultrasound for baby H #2! We went to the same place as we did with Austin and at 30 weeks just like we did with Austin....BUT this baby didn't quite cooperate the way Austin did...

The tech said baby had enough room in there but for some reason he wanted to be curled up in a little ball the ENTIRE time! From what we saw, he looks a lot like his big brother, but it was kind of hard to get the greatest pictures because he had his little knees in his face the whole time.

We watched our sweet babe wiggle around for over 30 minutes but I could have sat there all evening! He was being so active and we just kept waiting for him to show us his little face, but he wanted those little arms and knees by his face the whole time.

Babe is currently in a transverse position but the tech said she hoped that in a couple weeks, when baby has hopefully moved to a more head down position, he might not have as much room to bring his little hands and knees up to his face. Luckily they are letting us come back for FREE in two weeks to see if we can get a better look!

But for now, enjoy the cute pictures of our sweet nameless little boy...I especially love the one of his little ear!

So squished in there, but we can still tell he has his daddys and big brothers nose!
A perfect little ear shot!
Our best face shot
Baby all curled up in a little ball...you can see his fingers and toes in the same picture!


Keri said...

That is the most adorable thing! :) AWW - so cool. Maybe it was his nap time... :)

Kathy said...

how sweet!!!

Unknown said...

It's so amazing how far technology has come!

Rachel said...

Awww! What a precious sight!

Amanda said...

Those are so sweet!!! I wanted to tell you I got my frames on Friday and LOVE them!!! Thanks again!

AndreaLeigh said...

so cute! i had a 3d done at 32 weeks and the baby did not cooperate. we didn't get a single pic even though we went back two times. they finally had to give us our money back. stubborn baby! LOL


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