August 24, 2009

Girls Weekend/Boys Weekend

This weekend I packed my bags and kissed my two favorite men goodbye and headed down to Atlanta for my friend Ashley's Bachleorette party. That was the longest I'd ever left my little man and therefore, the longest my big man has ever had his little man all to himself! I was not one bit worried that Austin was well taken care of, but I called every few hours to check in regardless. It was kind of nice to have a weekend away with nothing but the girls, none of whom have children of their own yet, so I was able to talk about a lot of non-baby related stuff, something I didn't realize I really missed.

Being a stay-at-home mom is wonderful and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I do miss the social interaction that I got on a daily basis when I was a working woman. I miss the work friends and the after work social hours and just talking to adults and staying current with what's going on. Since having Austin I've fallen out of touch with a lot of my friends who are not yet parents themselves and even some of those who are. It was much easier to do than I ever could have ever imagined. Having a baby puts restrictions on you, and I self-imposed many of those restrictions because I wasn't comfortable leaving my son when he was younger. It's something I'm slowly getting used to, although I don't think I'll ever really like leaving, I'm seeing the good that it does for us all...especially after this past weekend.

Ok, so back to the weekend, me and the girls went to a Braves game Friday night and I made some signs for us to hold up and try to get on TV with. I'm not sure we made it to cable, but we were featured on the jumbo-tron and I was even able to snap some quick photographic evidence!

Saturday I got to sleep until 11am and it was ABSOLUTELY amazing. We went to lunch in Midtown and then went shopping until it was time to come home and get ready for the evening's festivities. We surprised Ashley with a lingerie shower and then went to a great Latin tapas restaurant, Loca Luna, for dinner and dancing. We ended the night at the Lava Lounge and were in bed by 4am. That was by far the latest I've stayed up since before Austin was born and I've been paying for it ever since. I'm getting in bed as soon as I'm done with this post to try and catch up!
I got home at 4pm on Sunday after a stop in Commerce for some outlet shopping and was amazed to find the house in order, the bottles washed, the high chair clean, toys picked up, diapers thrown away and dirty clothes in the hamper. I was also amazed to see this Sunday's church bulletin sitting on the table as proof that they got up and went to church without me pestering! However, my biggest surprise was when I realized that both my boys were gone and not at home to greet me! They were out running an errand together and getting in that last few minutes of male bonding time. At least Lucy was at the door, tail wagging so fast she could barely stand and very excited to greet me!

Since I stole the camera to take with me to Atlanta, I don't have any photographic proof of what my boys did all weekend, but I imagine it consisted of a lot of this:

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